CrossFit Midlothian
Say goodbye to the tradtional way of working out! CrossFit is high intensity functional movements that are constantly varied to leave you begging for more! At CrossFit Midlothian, we encourage each other, cheer for each other, and ALWAYS have a great time:) Come by and see us at the box...we'd love to meet ya!
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facebook.comWe've made it to Thursday!! 3rds 2min ME Power Cleans 95/65 1 min rest 2 min ME Burpees 1 min rest 2min ME Sit ups 1 min rest Strength: BS 8@65% 5@80% 3@85% 2@90%
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Reminder the box will be closed July 3rd-9th. We are taking a much needed family vacation that week and you guys need a much needed week of recovery!!! 8RFT 8 FR Lunges 95/65 10 Floor Press 10 Wipers 200M run Amelia wanted to thank each and every one of you that has donated or prayed for her and her family so I told her we could do one big CrossFit thank you. So here it is :-)
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21-15-9 Wall Balls Box Jumps EMOM 10 2 Snatch adding # until failure. Once you fail go back to beginning weight and complete EMOM. If you have not seen Marlene lately you will be amazed at her results. Marlene is the definition of hardwork and doing it the right way! There hasn't been a magic pill or a magic drink or even supplement. She has given 100% effort to her nutrition and workout for the past year and her results will blow you away! It's never too late to make a change. If you haven't seen her to tell her congrats then just thank the good Lord tonight for people like Marlene who inspires us all to live healthier
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Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend. Remember it's the beginning of the month payments are due by the 15th please. AMRAP 16 6 Pull ups 12 KBS 24 DU EMOM 5 C&J 1. 5@50% 2. 3@60% 3. 2@65% 4. 1@75% 5. ME @80% Hope you had a great birthday Penny
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10rds 30 sec Burpees 30 sec rest 30 sec thrusters 95/65 30 sec rest Relay run teams of 4 2 miles If you guys haven't been to see Daniel at Midlothian Spine and Sport for a massage you are missing out!! He is awesome!! Call and schedule your appointment with him asap!
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It the last day of our month of prayer. I have loved you guys praying for each other. Again we are out of water. Billy and I have been bringing it for the past several months. Please guys grab a case and bring it with you. Partner WOD 3rds 400m run together 24 DU 50 Wall Balls One works one rest Then AMRAP 8 SDLHP 95/65 KTE 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,keep going adding a rep each round. One works on SDLHP one works on KTE Then 2RDS 30 Push Press 95/65 20 OH Lunges weight plate 15 HSPU 10 Box Jumps
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We need water at the box. Please bring some if you take water from the fridge. Don't make me call you out individually on the webpage! 😉 EMOM 16 1. Power Cleans 135/95 2. DU 3. KBS 4. Rest Strength: FS 5@50% 3@60% 2@70% 1@75% ME@80% What a great tourn out this morning for Murph. Thank you guys for joining me in paying tribute to all who serve!
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It's here again! Murph tomorrow morning 9am!! Don't be late please. We are out of water again so please either bring your own or grab a case on your way to the box. Hope you guys had a fabulous weekend!! We had a blast at the lake. See you in the morning
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Snatch 5,3,3,2,2 4x200m sprints Rest 1 min between sets 4RFT 20 Wall Balls 15 Pull ups 10 Burpees Say a quick prayer for Kylie for me please. She has pneumonia! What the heck!! It hasn't stopped her from being silly and making me laugh
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Bench 5x5 @ 75% ME @60% AMRAP 18 10 Push ups 10 Pistols 10 Squat Cleans 115/75 Kylie and Jacob had their Second Grade awards today. We are so proud of them!
6min every 90 seconds 1 PC + 1 Jerk 50-65% 8min every 2min 1HC+Jerk 65%-80% 8min every 2min C&J 80-95% 3 AMRAP 3 5 Burpees 3 KBS 1 min rest
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Don't forget Memorial Day Murph 5-29 @9:00am AMRAP 4 400M run L seated DB press use a weight you can 8-10reps Unbroken Rest 4 min AMRAP 4 Burpee box jumps Rest 4 min AMRAP 4 5 strict Pull ups 5 DB Thrusters with same weight as L seated press Rest 4min AMRAP 4 10 Jumping Lunges 15 V ups