PARC - Politics Art Roots Culture
P.A.R.C. (Politics Art Roots Culture) is a community political/cultural space for people to connect with activists, artists and community members in Michigan City and the Great Lakes region. PARC is a community space for activists, organizers, artists and musicians to gather, share ideas, create projects and display their work. PARC is a non-consumerist space that people throughout the Great Lakes Region can utilize.
The Michigan City Social Justice Group holds their bi-monthly meetings at PARC, as does the Unite Here Union shop stewards. Environmental activists and organizers plan their campaigns at PARC. Artists create at PARC. And people of all stripes hang out at PARC.
We are committed to the concepts of social justice, radical thought, community engagement, and a livable planet.
If you or your group would like to hold an event, meeting or presentation at PARC, please send us a message and we'll make it happen.
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facebook.comA big thanks to everyone who came out to yesterday's forum. Here's a write-up in the News Dispatch about the event. #mywelcomingcity #educateorganizerepeat #mymichigancity #createplayrepeat
*TODAY - 10:00am(CT)* Join the Michigan City Social Justice Group and attorney Alfredo Estrada in a public forum to discuss the proposed Welcoming City ordinance. Find out what the ordinance would mean for Michigan City, why we need it, and how we can put pressure on our elected officials to get it passed. Únase al Grupo de Justicia Social de Michigan City y al abogado Alfredo Estrada para discutir una ordenanza para hacer Michigan City una Ciudad Acogedora. Averigüe qué significa para Michigan City, por qué lo necesitamos y cómo podemos hacer que se apruebe #mywelcomingcity #educateorganizerepeat #createplayrepeat #mymichigancity
*TONIGHT* Join us for the second meeting of our newly formed PFLAG (Parents, Family, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) Michigan City and LaPorte County Chapter! We welcome everybody who are allies including everyone in our LGBTQA+ community. Our meetings--for those 18 years of age and over--are held the second Tuesday of the month and will always include advocacy, education, and support.
"They . . . brought us parrots and balls of cotton and spears and many other things, which they exchanged for the glass beads and hawks' bells. They willingly traded everything they owned. . . . They were well-built, with good bodies and handsome features. . . . They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They had no iron. Their spears are made of cane. . . . They would make fine servants. . . . With fifty men we could subjugate them and make them do whatever we want." - Christopher Columbus
Today, we'll continue our canvassing efforts in Michigan City in support of a proposed 'Welcoming City Ordinance.' For those who are interested, members of the Michigan City Social Justice Group will be passing out turf at PARC - Politics Art Roots Culture from 11AM - 4PM (or until the rain comes). Cheers! #mywelcomingcity #mymichigancity #educateorganizerepeat #createplayrepeat
Tonight, the Michigan City Social Justice Group will be canvassing in support of a proposed 'Welcoming City Ordinance' that would greatly benefit immigrants in our city. Bring some friends and spread the word! #educateorganizerepeat #createplayrepeat #mywelcomingcity #mymichigancity
Professor Marc Becker from Truman State University will be at Purdue Northwest (Hammond Campus) today at 12:30pm(CT) - Room SULB321 and WebExed to Room 345 in the Tech building on the Westville Campus, to talk about his new book, "The FBI in Latin America." The event is free and open to the public. Light refreshments will be served.
Today was a great day at PARC - Politics Art Roots Culture! We're sending people from Michigan City to the Poor People's Campaign training and general meeting in Chicago next week. We're working with the LaPorte County Health Department to provide NARCAN trainings for people in our community who are dealing with opioid addiction. We were visited by a vibrant and committed member of our community who's been living and working in Michigan City for his entire life. He met Sergio Kochergin during our 'Welcoming City' canvassing efforts and was so impressed with Sergio's energy and commitment to grassroots organizing that he paid us a surprise visit. I gave him Ruth Needleman's book, 'Black Freedom Fighters in Steel.' A good day, indeed.
Today, we'll be eating food, hanging out, making signs and painting banners for the 'No Deportation Action' at the Gary/Chicago Airport on Oct. 6th. During the previous decade, more than 20,000 people have been deported from the Gary/Chicago Airport. A regional coalition seeks to stop the deportations. Lend them a hand. Come out, bring some friends and art materials and hang out. This event is all ages and family friendly (no dogs). Cheers! #mymichigancity #mywelcomingcity #educateorganizerepeat #createplayrepeat
Join the Michigan City Social Justice Group, friends and neighbors as we canvass the city in support of the proposed 'Welcoming City Ordinance.' Legally speaking, the proposed ordinance provides the most protective measures available at the state level (remember, in Indiana, 'Sanctuary Cities' are illegal). That said, we look forward to combatting Trump's agenda at the local level. Join us. #mywelcomingcity #mymichigancity #educateorganizerepeat #createplayrepeat
Later today, the Michigan City Social Justice Group will be knocking on doors and talking to our neighbors about the proposed Welcoming City Ordinance and what we can do as a community to better protect immigrants in LaPorte County. Please, join us and bring some friends! #mymichigancity #mywelcomingcity #createplayrepeat #educateorganizerepeat