Stroum Jewish Community Center of Greater Seattle
Mercer Island Location: 3801 East Mercer Way, Mercer Island WA 98040 Phone:206-232-7115
Seattle Location: 2618 NE 80th Street, Seattle WA 98115 Phone: 206-526-8073
Find us on Twitter: @sjccseattle and @StroumJCCSummerCamp
Mercer Island Campus
The Mercer Island SJCC campus has served the Jewish and general community since 1968. Fitness facilities include a fitness center, racquetball courts, indoor running track, gymnasium, and indoor swimming pool. This location also has an Early Childhood School, parenting center, auditorium, kitchen, classrooms, and meeting rooms.
Seattle Campus
The SJCC north Seattle campus makes its home in the K'hilah Center at Temple Beth Am. It offers a variety of programs and classes for children and families. All programs stress social and personal development infused with Jewish culture in a warm and nurturing environment. Shabbat celebrations and holiday and family events are offered throughout the year.
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The holiday season is upon us! Wondering what to do and where to go? We have a plethora of events coming up, keep updated by visiting our website. #holiday #menorah #hanukkah #jewish #sjcc #jcc #fun #family
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Need a date night plan? Come to the J on Saturday for our Blues and Swing Dance Party Night! Don't worry if you don't have a partner, everyone is welcome! Click here for more details: #Dance #Blues #SwingDance #Fun #DateNight #SJCC #JCC
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Sunday is another round of Yoga Journeys! Join us for an hour of vinyasa flow yoga focused on Jewish holidays and themes. These all-level classes nourish body, mind, and soul. Each will have live music, meditation, and Jewish learning. #Yoga #Vinyasa #Jewish #GetFit #Holiday #SJCC #JCC #Meditation
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Want to get some early holiday shopping done and give back to your community? Head to SJCC Early Childhood School Book Fair at Island Books tomorrow, December 1st! Mention SJCC ECS and Island Books will donate 20% of your purchase to our Early Childhood School. #School #donate #holiday #bookworm #lovetolearn #SJCC #JCC
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There's still time to get tickets for Gary Gulman's comedy show tomorrow. Join us for a night of laughs and good company! Comedian Gary Gulman - "Last Comic Standing" Finalist #GaryGulman #Jewish #Fun #Comedy #SJCC #JCC #Laughs
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There are still spots available for rent in our Kesher Community Garden. Join in the 2017 growing season here on Mercer Island. Click here for more details: #GreenThumb #Garden #Organic #SJCC #JCC #Growing
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It's finally here. #GivingTuesday! Why does Gabe give to The J? It's his second home! <3 Click here to donate to the Stroum Jewish Community Center: #DonateNow #SJCC #JCC #Jewish #Home #Community
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Giving Tuesday is TOMORROW! Why do you give to the SJCC? Zach Duitch gives because "We bring the community together!" Click here to donate: #GivingTuesday #DonateNow #SJCC #JCC
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Parshat Toldot is the inspiration for this weeks Women of the Book artwork. This beautiful piece of art was created by Terry Braunstein, an American artist. To learn more about Women of the Book, click here: #WomenOfTheBook #Torah #Jewish #Artwork #SJCC #JCC
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There's still time to take advantage of our "Give Thanks" membership promotion! Save $150 by not paying joining fees if you sign up by November 30th. Click here for more details: #GetFit #JoinUs #SJCC #JCC #SaveMoney #CyberMonday
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Black Friday was last week, Cyber Monday is tomorrow, what about Giving Tuesday? Why do you give to the SJCC? Jaclyn Ackerman gives because creating and developing community is important to her. <3 #SJCC #JCC #GivingTuesday #DonateNow #Jewish #DoGood
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Shabbat Shalom from our weekly Tot Shabbat group. #TotShabbat #ShabbatShalom #Jewish #SJCC #JCC