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First Baptist Church Mayfield Kentucky

118 W South St, Mayfield, United States
Religious Organization



Connecting people to God, to one another, and to the world, through Jesus.


We're excited to share that Rick will be in town tomorrow and is going to be giving the church an update on his ministry in Arizona. We hope that you will make plans to attend our 6:15PM service as he shares about how God has been working in Arizona!

Our Children's Connect Group went out tonight to love on some of our first responders...but ended up with a huge blessing from Mayfield Fire Department with a personal tour! What a great time. We are thankful for our first responders!

What a tremendous week it has been! We praise God for his powerful work in the lives of these students. What a beautiful picture of the Body of Christ! "We meet to part, but part to meet When earthly labors are complete, To join in yet more blest employ, In an eternal world of joy!"

Youth Camp launch this morning! Excited to see what God will do in these student's lives this week! We hope you will join us in prayer everyday for our youth and leaders this week.

Happy Father's Day from First Baptist Church! What joy we have in our Heavenly Father! We hope that everyone has a wonderful afternoon together with their family.

This Sunday we invite you to our Arizona Mission Team Spaghetti Fundraiser. Immediately following A.M. Services join us in Wilson Hall to be served by the mission team for a spaghetti fundraiser. Each mission team member is responsible for funding $400 towards the trip for expenses. We encourage you to come eat, enjoy, and make a donation toward those that are raising money to pay their way to go serve this summer in Arizona. What a great way to take care of Sunday lunch and support church missions!

Join us for VBS!! June 5th-9th. 9AM-Noon. Ages 3 years old through 6th grade. We hope to see you there!

What if you could impact a student for the rest of their life? What if you could do something to give a youth the opportunity to hear the gospel? The answer is easy: you can. This Sunday First Baptist Church will have the opportunity to give towards sponsoring students for camp on the Arizona Mission Trip. $150 is all it takes to help sponsor a student from Arizona to attend the camp. Just think $150 could secure a way that a student will hear the gospel. Would you consider sponsoring a student, 3 students, 5 students this Sunday? Ushers will be taking offerings after the service Sunday morning, or you can use text-to-give capabilities as listed on the slide. We are excited about how God will use this offering to share the gospel with students in Arizona this summer!

Congratulations to First Baptist's Kody Hopwood as he graduated today at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary! Kody earned his Master of Arts in Christian Education. Pictured is Kody, Heather, Eli, Southern Seminary President Dr. Mohler, and Mrs. Mohler. We at First are proud of Pastor Kody and his accomplishment!

If you haven't heard by now, this Friday, Pastor Paul Wilkerson will be traveling abroad to Malaysia with Dr. George Martin from Southern Seminary. Paul's travels are part of a mission focused trip to the cities of Penang & Kuala Lumpur. There he will take part in two seminars with Dr. Martin at the Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary. During the afternoons he will be teaming up with the IMB missionaries to help share the gospel with this Global Initiative City, as only 3% claim to be evangelical Christians. We are excited about Paul's trip and ask that you pray as a church alongside him and his family during this time. We pray specifically that the Lord would grow these students attending the seminary and people would come to know Christ as their Lord and Savior through the work of evangelism!

Basement renovations are underway!

Happy Mother's Day from First Baptist Church! What a joy as we celebrated together with these families as they dedicated their children to the Lord!


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