Marysville Foursquare Church
A Foursquare church in Marysville, WA for real people with real issues who worship a real Jesus!
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facebook.comFamily Fun Night is FRIDAY! It will be a potluck dinner and yard games from 7-9p! Then at 9p we will be showing Lilo & Stitch on the Big Outdoor Screen! Bring a potluck dish, lawn chairs and/or blankets! It is FREE family fun for the entire family!
Session 7 of Watch & Pray Tonight 6pm: The Gog of Magog war recorded in Ezekiel 38 & 39 - an end time war predicted by Muslims, Christians, and Jews. Who is involved in this war? When should we expect it? What can we do about it?
Join us TONIGHT for the Triple "B" Family Fun Night! BINGO! BBQ! Beach Ball Volleyball! 7-9p See you there!
Join the Men of M4CHURCH tomorrow morning for Men's Breakfast! Hot food! Good company! Great Worship! And the Word! What a fantastic way to start the weekend! 8a! See you there!
Summer cleaning at M4!
Rabbi Hylan Slobodkin's testimony! He's a delightful man of God, leading a tour to Israel tour again next year, May 3-17, 2018 for the 70th anniversary of Israel as a nation. M4 Church is invited to join him!
Join M4 and many other churches in Snohomish County as together we demonstrate the love of Jesus to our community on Saturday, Sept 16. Take a minute to click on this link and volunteer with me!
Join us in supporting M4 Missionaries to SE Asia this Saturday, June 24th from 8a - 5p for a "garage sale". ALL proceeds will benefit M4 Missionaries. We are accepting gently use, clean and in good working order items for this garage sale, from 8a - 10a on Saturday. If you have any questions, call the M4CHURCH Office 360.651.1110
A great long term discipleship perspective from the leaders at Amazing Grace.
Join us tomorrow night at Marysville Foursquare Church at 6pm for session 2 of Watch & Pray. Session 2: Why Israel Matters: God's Prophetic Appointment Calendar
Join us this Sunday at 9 or 11am for the kickoff of our summer series, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Messiah). This Sunday is Matthew 16, where Yeshua asks his disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" A good question for all of us today. It's also our Sunday to honor high school and college graduates for 2017. RSVP if you're a 2017 grad (or bringing one!).
Let's join our sister church in Mill Creek this June and ask the Lord together to ignite our hearts for an awakening our region!