Shoultes Elementary
Shoultes Elementary
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facebook.comPrincipal Lynn, Sukha, Ms. Conte, Zenith, and Wonka want to thank all of you for a wonderful experience at Shoultes Elementary. We will miss you all so much!
Please read the information below from the 21st Century after school program. Join us for 21st Century Summer Exploration Program at Shoultes Elementary School! The program will be Monday-Thursday from Wednesday, July 5th to Thursday, July 27th. The hours will be from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM and students will receive a free snack and lunch. Your student will need to be picked up no later than 1:30 PM. We will target specific academic skills and through our community partnerships, we will offer exciting enrichment activities such as music, nutrition & fitness, literacy fun, and work with the University of Washington! We will also have weekly field trips planned and would really like for your student to attend. Students who ride buses will have bus transportation to and from school. Please pick up the permission forms from the Shoultes school office and return them asap.
A few announcements for our last day of school: ~ Please look through the Lost and Found! All items left will be donated. ~ Dismiss on Tuesday, June 20th is 11:35. ~ Report cards will be mailed out on Monday, June 26th.
A note from Ms. Conte...
Mr. Purrington's class is deep in thought about their writing prompt, "If Shoultes Elementary could teach any subject, what should it teach and why?" #shoultes #studentvoice
Mrs. Keim's class spent time at Jennings Park. #shoultes
Mrs. Vincelette's class and Mrs. Langlee and Mrs. Larson's class enjoyed the Institute of Flight in Everett. #shoutles #iwanttomakeairplanes
5th grade learning at the Seattle Aquarium. #shoultes #marinelifeiscool
Mrs. Hawkins class getting into their reading. #shoultes #readingrocks
Congratulations to our 5th graders! #shoultes #movinonup
Mrs. Card's class drew "time with Principal Lynn" out of their prize box today.
More fun from today's BBQ. #shoultes