The Turtle Hospital
The Turtle Hospital is a 501(c)(3) charitable corporation.
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Did you know: Female sea turtles will spend several hours digging their nests and laying their eggs. It takes a lot of energy and dedication to do this. She will use her back two flippers to dig about 18 inches into the sand in an upside down 'light bulb' shape. She will then lay anywhere from 80-150 eggs and carefully cover them back up. Show your mom some appreciation for all her hard work this Mother's Day by getting her something turtlely awesome from our on-line store! Mother's Day is just around the corner (May 14th), so be sure to purchase your item soon! All proceeds go to helping our patients here at the hospital!
Happy Friday at the Turtle Hospital!
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*These are not the turtles you're looking for* - Chuck Norris and Lil' Susie do their best Jedi and Sith impressions for Star Wars Day! Chuck is now in a full tank of water and able to rest on the bottom, so we believe the force is strong with this one. #Maythe4thBeWithYou #StarWarsDay
Newest patient at the turtle hospital live! Cuteness overload!!
The Florida Keys & Key West
Skipper went home today!!🐢💗. Thanks to the US Coast Guard for helping with this release!
Live from the Turtle Hospital! Trying out some new equipment ;-)
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Bowser then and now.... not much has changed 😂
Photos from The Turtle Hospital's post
Charlie is en route to her forever home at OdySea Aquarium, Scottsdale, AZ. Charlie, a sub-adult loggerhead sea turtle was rescued in February 2016 and treated at the Turtle Hospital for an old boat strike injury. The injury left Charlie with the bubble butt syndrome, a condition where she is unable to dive, making her a permanent floater and non-releasable. Sea turtles feed on the bottom of the sea and a sea turtle that is unable to dive is most likely to starve to death and is prone to predators on the surface in the wild. Good luck Charlie!
The Florida Keys & Key West
Happy Turtle Tuesday! Hanging out with Coastie and his groupies;-)
Tuesday with tidal pool turtles!