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The Pizza Man

663 Broad St, Lyndonville, United States



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Thomas McFarland is the big winner of our $15 gift card this week!! Congratulations Thomas! NOW we want to know which soft-serve option you'd choose first: a twist or just a plain flavor?? Sound off in the comments for your chance to win next week's prize, sound off AND share to get two chances to win!!

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North Country Local

You'll find your chance to win a $50 gift card from us on North Country Local's page today! Just follow this link through and it only takes a few seconds of your time!

North Country Local

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Q: How did Reese eat her ice cream? A: Witherspoon. :-D :-D :-D

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Bring a friend and sit a spell at the coolest place in town. Gotta drink in the sunshine while we have it! ;-)

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It only takes 20 minutes or so out of your day to stop in and enjoy a couple of scoops!!

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On Thirsty Thursday, you can be thirsty for ice cream too! ;-) ;-) ;-)

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It's a gorgeous day in the Northeast Kingdom and we're here with a VERY important question: what would you order first: A) a Sundae or B) a Flurry?! Let us know by commenting with the letter of your choice and if you share after you comment, you are entered TWICE to win! And congrats to our winner from last week, Tosha Donna!!

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Fans' Choice Awards

If you love us, would you vote for us, please? Do we have the best fans and customers in the world? YA!

Fans' Choice Awards

Photos from The Pizza Man's post

Thanks to the Vermont Community Garden Network we have an Employee Garden! We are very excited for our first growing season and to be able to offer fresh vegetables and a green space for our employees to work in!

Photos from The Pizza Man's post

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Ice cream tastes better on the weekend, we swear ;-)

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Cause & Effect

Guess who's in the house tonight?! Cause & Effect starts at 8, get here early for best seating!!

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Is it going to rain today? Is the sun going to shine? We don't know, and with the amount of ice cream we have at our disposal, we don't really care. We don't get "twisted" up into knots over much around these parts. ;-)

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NEAR The Pizza Man