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Spirit Gate Acupuncture, P.C.

85 Walnut St, Lynbrook, United States
Medical & health



Cancer? Autoimmune Disease? Bengston Method? Effective, cutting edge, natural ways to achieve health. For over thirty years Suzanne Clegg, RD, LAc has been pioneering effective ways to help people heal naturally. She utilizes the Bengston Energy Healing Method®, acupuncture, and sound healing, as well as consults on nutrition and the use of herbs. She offers holistic support for pain, digestion and hormonal issues, as well as cancer and other serious health challenges.

The clinic offers a warm loving environment in which to heal. Remote healing offers you much needed convenience.


Spirit Gate Acupuncture, P.C.'s cover photo

Spirit Gate Acupuncture, P.C.'s cover photo

One of my favorite things to do is to sit with my hands on a hot cancerous tumor. This poem by Rumi reminded me of how I experience witnessing cancer heal itself: Weep with Wonder If you could see the ugliest leper with the eyes of Love, His beauty would out-dazzle in your eyes the starlit sea. If one drop of the Wine of Vision could rinse your eyes, Wherever you looked, you would weep with wonder. - Jalal-ud-Din Rumi (Translated by Andrew Harvey from A Year of Rumi)


Today only: FREE copy of “There is Another Way: Energy Medicine for Pets with Cancer”

Learn to help your Pet with Cancer! Get your free copy today

Spirit Gate Acupuncture, P.C.'s cover photo

Spirit Gate Acupuncture, P.C.'s cover photo

There is Another Way: Energy Medicine for Pets with Cancer

There is Another Way: Energy Medicine for Pets with Cancer

There is Another Way: Energy Medicine for Pets with Cancer

Woo Hoo! My very first book has been published on Amazon! I am sooooo excited! Get involved in the conversation… Share your thoughts with me in the comments.

Super excited about my first book! "There Is Another Way: Energy Medicine for Pets with Cancer" is now available on Amazon. $4.99

Thomas Seyfried, PhD: Metabolic Solutions to Fight & Prevent Cancer

Ketogenic Diet and hyperbaric oxygen therapy work well with my method. This will probably be the first event that will see my new book: "There Is Another Way, Energy Medicine for Pets with Cancer".

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