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The Well Bible Study Ministry

18116 N US Highway 41, Lutz, United States
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The Well is an interdenominational Bible study ministry that provides a unique training environment for women. We are an independent, non-profit organization comprised of a large number of women from numerous local churches of various denominations participating in its Bible studies and trainings. We believe every woman matters, and if each woman would embrace the whole Gospel, allowing it preeminence in her life, she will see a difference in her marriage, her children, her church, and her world.


The location for our last scheduled corporate prayer meeting, this Thursday, June 29th at 6:30pm has CHANGED. We will NOT be meeting on the campus of FBCL. Please message Elizabeth Hile or Linda Jenkins Christopher for more information. Anyone can join us who'd like to be there.

It's SUMMERTIME!!! The time of the year when schedules and routines go out the door, days are long and nights are short, and when dedication to the disciplines takes a backseat. It's funny that we seem to have "nothing" to do, but "everything" to do at the very same time. It's also the time of year when Satan's schemes against us are intensified and he tempts us to doubt God's Word and His goodness, and become discouraged because we're looking at our problems rather than God. He'll try to: divert our attention by making wrong things seem attractive, so that we long for them; make us feel defeated, so that we don't even try; and delay our investment in the things we should, so that they never get done. If we're not intentionally persevering in the fight for our discipleship, it's easy to allow other things to become lord over our time, emotions and will, causing us to spin out on unimportant things. Ladies, our summer time must be surrendered! Christ must be Lord over it! The reality is that God still wants to invoke change in us and through us...even in the summer. So, where are you reading in the Word? What are you praying for and against? Who are you meeting with for mentoring or accountability? How are you reaching out in your church? If you don't have an answer for these questions, it's not too late to change course. Start today and resolve to live out Proverbs 16:3, "Commit your works to the Lord, submit and trust them to Him, and your plans will succeed, if you respond to His will and guidance." Allow Jesus to be Lord - even over your SUMMERTIME!!! Laura Hess The Well Bible Study Ministry

So, just to eliminate any confusion - The Well isn't going away. We haven't dissolved. We are NOT done, NOT finito, adios or nada. We're simply on an extended break, awaiting what we know will be a supernatural move of God on our behalf regarding our future location as a Bible study and training ministry. We have been a guest ministry on the campus of First Baptist Church of Lutz (FBCL) for 12 years. We are NOT leaving that campus because we are being run off. Nothing has gone wrong, broken down in our relationship with the church or requires reconciliation. The Spirit of the Living God has simply nudged us out of the safety and security of our little boat and has asked us to trust Him for the "more" that is to come - that is, what the next 12 years will look like. Wherever we wind up and however it will be achieved is beyond our own ability to make happen, pure and simple. We have the means to stay on the campus of FBCL, but not to buy or lease the square footage we need elsewhere. Moving forward will require obedience to the Holy Spirit from anyone and everyone He is calling to participate in this faith step. In the meantime, NOTHING changes for us. We are still having OTUAW in just a few weeks. We are still taking the summer and fall off to prepare for what is to come. We are still having Bible studies, only they are being hosted in numerous homes and in the community. We are still making plans for 2018 (should Jesus tarry!), which include the RENOVATED conference (yay!). And we are still praying, mentoring, discipling and training together. So, we are surging, ladies - not slumping, and we know that Jesus Christ will continue to "add to our fellowship/community those who are being saved" during this time of transition. God is on the move, ladies! Do you feel it? Yeah, there's nothing confusing about that! Susie Walther The Well Bible Study Ministry

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Looking to borrow three of these for OTUAW. Anyone have access to one or more? If so, contact Liz Hile.

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One of the things I believe western Christians struggle with the most is our independence. This American value can unknowingly lead us away from dependence on God and interdependence on the Body of Christ, which ultimately isolates us. Satan studies mankind and knows our weaknesses, often better than many of us do. He'll take advantage of new routines to distract us and make us too busy to stop and have that sweet quiet time with God we fought so hard to develop. In the absence of meeting weekly as we've been accustomed to as The Well, Satan will offer us the trades of comfort and pleasure rather than investing in eternal things and people the way we did when we were in session. However, if we allow ourselves to isolate, we are more easily tempted to go back to the sin and habits from which we had previously experienced freedom. We have to beware of the self-reliance that is encouraged by the father of lies which says, "I've got this," or "I'll get back to it tomorrow." Another ploy of the evil one is to get you to ignore the prompting of God to do something, reach out to someone or lead something, but you don't really want to, so you make excuses. Trust me, I get it! With every session that ends I still fight against my flesh, the lies and the temptations that comes with "being on break." So if what I've said so far describes you, listen up! Get up earlier tomorrow or turn off the computer or television NOW and go spend some time your King through His Word and prayer. It may feel dry at first, but trust me - just do it. Sometimes my prayer is, "God, just help me to want to." Call someone and get coffee with them and choose to be transparent about how you're really doing and ask them to pray with you. Darkness only holds power over us if it is allowed to stay in the darkness. If you were planning on coming to Game Night this Friday night, good! Don't let anything stand in your way. If you weren't planning on it, there is still time and space available, and you won't be sorry you joined in. Additionally, there are a lot of women hosting Bible studies, prayer and accountability groups starting in the next week or two. Step out and meet some new sisters who can walk with you spiritually. Don't choose independence and isolation in the midst of all of this opportunity. You have a choice. Choose God. Choose community. Choose growth. But whatever you do, DON'T choose to spiritually wither or shrivel up because then the father of lies actually wins. Kris Jensen The Well Bible Study Ministry

All I want to do this week is encourage you to read or listen to a gem of a message given more than 60 years ago by Dawson Trotman of the Navigators. And there's one more thing I want to do. I want to encourage you to believe that your time of normalcy is over. God is at work, ladies. He's always been. He's inviting us to join Him in the work of His Kingdom, and when we do, we are blessed and changed, and experience what it means to live the abundant life Jesus promised. That kind of living is SO much better, regardless of the sacrifice of time and self, than some of the alternatives, like, living a diminished, busy, hamster-wheel life filled with activity and production without any real spiritual growth or reproduction. OR living a compromised, powerless life. OR a mostly uninspired religious life, bored out of your gourd, doing what you do out of habit, not conviction. The need of the hour - what changes everything - is living a bold life with a bold faith in a BIG God! So, let's go change the world, ladies, starting right here with our own city! The Need of the Hour (PDF) - The Need of the Hour (Audio) - Susie Walther The Well Bible Study Ministry

So, we are on a Well break, as we await our orders from God on what the next 12 years will look like for The Well ministry. However, we are NOT on a Jesus-break. His expectation still remains that we would grow spiritually, which won't happen unless we dispense with any and all worldly and religious excuses that make us feel good about doing spiritually little to nothing. Spiritual growth requires that we do the hard work of investing in our own journey, which involves self-discipline and self-denial. However, we can't get to self-discipline and self-denial if we're convinced God is okay with our made-up lesser versions of Christianity, which require no spiritual sweat. We can't be okay with just going to church, just "believing" in Jesus (whatever that means anymore!) and just going to Bible studies since Jesus didn't step out of heaven, live 33 years, die a brutal death and rise from the dead, so that we could go to church once a week, believe He exists, and attend Bible study! Spiritual growth matters because maturity in Christ matters. Maturity in Christ has NOTHING to do with how long we've been "saved" or have attended church. Maturity means progressing in our conformity to Jesus Christ and letting the Spirit use us to help others do the same. We MUST grow spiritually because people around us are watching and our lives are either a good apologetic for the faith...or not. So, whether we're on break or not, our discipleship matters. Living in such a way as to bring honor to God matters. Continuing to read the Bible and to pray for others matters. Reaching out to women in our churches and women in our city matters. Staying in community with each other matters because we need accountability, especially since we do what's inspected not expected. So, whether we're in session or not, on break or not - you're going to hear us encourage you to keep growing and "going" - because that matters. Susie Walther The Well Bible Study Ministry

Operation Train Up a Woman

Only a few hours remain to get your ticket for Operation Train Up a Woman at the regular rate of $269. After midnight tonight, the late registration increases to $299 until June 1st. A limited number of tickets are available and running out, so don't miss out! And don't forget to invite another woman who could also benefit from this game-changing conference! Http://

Laura's hilarious talk at The Well

Laura Hess (TAM) takes us to school!

Some of you may not know this, but The Well is 12 years old and has been operating on the campus of First Baptist Church of Lutz (FBCL) for all 12 of those years. However, God has spoken and this is our last session on that campus. Now, just in case you try to get some exercise jumping to some wrong conclusions, know this - we are not being run off or run out of Dodge. Nothing has broken down between The Well and FBCL. This isn't a financial decision. We have the money to stay on that campus and we don't have the money to go, but like I said - God has spoken. This leg of The Well's journey on someone else's campus is complete and we believe God is preparing the way for us to be on our own campus in the near future. Therefore, as an act of faith and in anticipation of His will becoming clearer to us, we have jumped out of the boat. Some might prefer to think that we've jumped off a cliff, but regardless - we're not planning for or having a Fall Session. So, as we wait for further orders from the Lord, and you wait with us - go do what Jesus called you to do! Take your faith into the community. Use your homes for ministry. Start something at your church. Host a Bible study or lead one yourself. Lead a prayer group. Disciple one another, and go make disciples. Our job description doesn't change just because we don't have a new home base - yet - for our training ministry. But Fort Well is coming, ladies! In the meantime, we're not going to stop doing what we do, and neither should you!And with God as the mover behind us, we need to prepare to be amazed at what the next 12 years of The Well ministry will look like in the Tampa Bay area! Susie Walther The Well Bible Study Ministry

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The Well Child Watch is having a "See You Later, Alligator" party for our last week of this Well session. Feel free to let your kids dress like wild animals! Any animal themed decorations, plates, cups, napkins, etc would be greatly appreciated. Just bring them to the Child Watch building on your Well day. Thank you! 🐊 — at The Well Bible Study Ministry.

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