The Roar-Shack Books & Art
Bookstore and Art Gallery on Frankfort Avenue, featuring independent authors, local art and music, and of course as books for all ages. New and used bookstore and art gallery, featuring local interests and independent authors; a mix of the familiar and new things to discover.
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facebook.comThomas was so thrilled with the new sign, he forgot to turn off our "OPEN" sign! We did not, in fact, have a secret all-night party without you. As a mea culpa, Thomas is letting us do something silly all day today: mention this post and you can take home one of his art postcards for free! Projects like this make us ridiculously happy! 15 years in the making, this film is available for pre-order now. Cohen the Barbarian and his talking horse are off to complete a quest a long time coming. "My father always said, "When you can face a troll in single combat, then you can do anything!"" "You think you can kill a troll?" "Well I didn't say that was part of the plan..."
Start cutting down that TBR list, and start constructing your TBR tower!
We don't have a shelf specifically for these questions, but we can usually help you narrow down your search. Remember, if it's not on our shelves, we can generally find an inexpensive way to order it for you! We can even order used books and get them in your preferred style of hardback or softcover.
Yes, we're having a few problems with our phone again. Please send a message here on Facebook or email us at if you have any questions for us! Thanks, and sorry!
Hello Kitty is only living with us for a couple more days before she goes to her real home. She demands that you come pay attention to her!
A few new arrivals. We're open until 5pm today if you want to be the first to grab them!
Our sidewalk chalk is getting some use this morning!
We are Louisville's source for GameScience Dice and Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game! Get your nerd on with us today!