CrossFit Los Alamos
Functional Fitness with an Altitude! We at CrossFit Los Alamos will teach you a method of fitness training that will help you realize your potential, unleash your inner power and achieve your goals! It does not matter what your age or fitness situation is, there is
something here for everyone. Our experienced staff will make sure your foundation is strong and help you to build a body that is both beautiful and functional!
• With a multitude of classes to choose from, there are many options for busy schedules.
• We offer different levels of CrosssFit training from beginner to advanced.
• We offer One-on-One and Couples Personal Fitness Training.
• We have an awesome kid's play room so they can chill out and play while you work out!
• We also have a Mesa Elite Kids' program
CrossFit Los Alamos loves to give back to the community; we are looking at ways to stay involved with the youth of Los Alamos by offering outreach programs to at risk youth. Ask us how you can help!
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS🌟🇺🇸🌟🇺🇸🌟🇺🇸🌟🇺🇸🌟🇺🇸🌟🇺🇸🌟🇺🇸🌟🇺🇸Looking forward to seeing everyone Monday! Gonna be a kick ass Memorial Murph this year! We have a DJ Pet scheduled to spin some badass WOD music during the event! We also have local massage therapist, Greg Barthell coming to do chair massages! We are providing barbecued chicken, potato salad and whatever everybody else is kicking in. BYOB! See you there!!💪🏻
WOD for 2017-05-25: 5.25.17 Strength: Clean & Jerk 60%/2+1 70%/2+1 (75%/2+1)2 (80%/3)2 WOD: 4 Rounds: 21/18 Calorie Bike or 25/21 Cal Row or 200 m run 18 Thrusters (65/45) 15 Pull-ups
Photos from CrossFit Los Alamos's post
WOD for 2017-05-24: 5.24.17 Wendler OH Press 5+ Gymnastic Skill Ring Muscle Up Work 5 min EMOM 3 MU or 6 MU Progressions (toes on the ground/false grip/work on getting over the rings to an assisted dip) ea min. WOD 7 RFT 12 KB Swings (54/35) 12 Situps 12 Sec HS Hold or HSPUs 12 Air Squats
Timeline Photos
🌟🌟🌟Wishing CFLA's own Erin N. Heintschel Good Luck and Best Wishes this Saturday when she competes at Musclemania in Albuquerque at the Kimo Theater at 6pm! Sending hugs, love and shining stars from everyone at the box! You got this girl! 🌟🌟🌟
WOD for 2017-05-23: 5.23.17 Wendler Back Squat 5+ Run Conditioning 5x 1:30 in in the parking lot in front of the building (100 m course) :15 sec rest Rowing or airdyne may be substituted for running if desired or needed Stamina Conditioning EMOMx15: 1) 10 TTB 2) 7 OHS (115/85); (95/65); scale as necessary 3) 10 Bar Facing Burpees
WOD for 2017-05-23: 5.23.17 Wendler Back Squat 5+ Run Conditioning 5x 1:30 in in the parking lot in front of the building (100 m course) :15 sec rest Rowing or airdyne may be substituted for running if desired or needed Stamina Conditioning EMOMx15: 1) 10 TTB 2) 7 OHS (115/85); (95/65); scale as necessary 3) 10 Bar Facing Burpees
Photos from CrossFit Los Alamos's post
There's a New Queen of the South
News from the South Regionals:
WOD for 2017-05-20: 5.20.17 7 min Run for distance with a 3:30 min rest after Then: 1. Barbell Conditioning EMOM x5: 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks 185/135; 125/95; 95/65 2. Conditioning Teams of 3 (split it up however you want, but stay together on the run and share the load) 200m Sandbag Run (40#/20) scale as necessary 75 Pull-Ups 200m Sandbag Run (40#/20) 100 Calorie Bike/75 Cal Row 200m Sandbag Run (50/35) 75 Front Squats (40#/20) 200m Sandbag Run
WOD for 2017-05-20: 5.20.17 7 min Run for distance with a 3:30 min rest after Then: 1. Barbell Conditioning EMOM x5: 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks 185/135; 125/95; 95/65 2. Conditioning Teams of 3 (split it up however you want, but stay together on the run and share the load) 200m Sandbag Run (40#/20) scale as necessary 75 Pull-Ups 200m Sandbag Run (40#/20) 100 Calorie Bike/75 Cal Row 200m Sandbag Run (50/35) 75 Front Squats (40#/20) 200m Sandbag Run
The CrossFit Games