Above and Beyond CrossFit fueled by Strongwill
Above and Beyond Crossfit fueled by STRONGWILL isn't just a gym, it's a community of common people with an uncommon will to succeed. Above and Beyond CrossFit is a STRONGWILL Company (www.strongwillmovement.com). On this page you will find the workout-of-the-day, member post, event announcements and more.
Founded by a local business professional, STRONGWILL is redefining human performance as we know it.
Offering CrossFit, Endurance Training/Events, Mental Toughness Events (GORUCK, Stronger In A Day), Corporate Wellness, Sports Performance and Coaching/Consulting around human performance STRONGWILL is quickly becoming a leader in the industry of helping individuals reach peak performance.
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facebook.comMonday April 23rd. Warm up - 3 Rounds -200m Row -15 Good Mornings -10 Scap pull ups Barbell Warm up w/ Coach 15 Minutes to build to the heaviest possible Complex: -Snatch High Pull + Hang Snatch 5 Rounds for Time -5 Hang Power Snatches (70% of today's complex) -15 GHD Sit ups -15 Box Jumps (24/20)
Think you’re strong?... Prove it. MAY 19 - Arkansas Strongest is being held right here at The Big House. EVENTS 1️⃣Max standard deadlift 3 attempts, 60 second time limit. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO SET A STATE RECORD IN YOUR WEIGHT CLASS! 2️⃣Yoke/farmer carry medley 60 foot yoke carry down, 60 foot farmer carry back. Unlimited drops. 1 minute time cap. Knee sleeves/belt allowed. 3️⃣Axle clean and press Total reps in one minute. Implement must touch the floor between each rep. No prolonged resting of axle on belt. Wrist, elbow supports allowed. 4️⃣Truck pull Hand over hand pull for 40 feet. Gloves allowed, no tacky. Any starting position allowed as long as feet are touching tire at starting line (sitting or standing). 5️⃣Stone over bar Reps in one minute. 44 inch height for women, 50 for men. Final rep can be completed as long as stone is off the ground as time is called. 🔹All weight classes & divisions. 🔹The person in each weight class with tee heaviest deadlift will be setting a USS state record. 🔹Top 3 finishers in each open class and top finisher in novice class qualify for Nationals in New York on June 30. Head on over to the event page to get signed up! https://www.facebook.com/events/356250858117441/?ti=icl
Friday April 20th Warm up - 3 Rounds -200m Row -15 Good mornings -10 Scap Pull ups Barbell Warm up w/ Coach 20 Minutes to Establish: 1RM Clean and Jerk Open Workout 15.4 8 Minute AMRAP (185/125) -3 HSPU + 3 Power Cleans -6 HSPU + 3 Power Cleans -9 HSPU + 3 Power Cleans -12 HPSU +6 Power Cleans -15 HSPU +6 Power Cleans -18 HSPU + 6 Power Cleans -21 HSPU + 9 Power Cleans ..... Continuing until time expires. *Scaled workout substitutes Push Press (95/65) for hspu and reduced weight on the power
Thursday April 19th Warm up - 5 Rounds -Rowing (coach picks distance and punishment) Rower Sprints each for time. 3 People per rower to provide rest intervals. -100m -100m -250m -250m -500m -100m -100m *Record slowest 100m, slowest 250m, and your 500m time as your score. RomWOD (20 Minutes) #livephotos #audioisbetterthanimage #channingisalwaysposing #whyaminottanyet
Wednesday April 18th Warm up - 3 Rounds -10 Wall Balls -5 Wall Therapy Squats -Soldier march to the rig -Butt kicks back to the wall 20 Minutes to Establish 3RM Overhead Squat *you may snatch balance the first rep if you like. 8 Minute AMRAP -10 Pull Ups -10 Front Squats (95/65) RX+ 8 Minute AMRAP "Amanda" 9-7-5 -Ring Muscle Ups -Squat Snatches (135/95) then with remaining time -7 OH Squat (135/95) -7 Chest to Bar Pull Ups *Score amanda time and total reps after Amanda
ALL FEMALE COMP 👑Two person teams 👑RX and Scaled Divisions Cash podium for Rx division 👑1st Place $500 👑2nd Place $300 👑3rd Place $200 WOD 1 has been released! Follow the link to our event page and get signed up! https://www.facebook.com/events/282147458985273??ti=ia
Tuesday April 17th Warm up - 4 Rounds -Walk 100m -Sprint Back 3 Separately scored workouts Starting a new one every 8 minutes. Workout 1: 6 Minute AMRAP -20 Alternating DB Snatches (45/25) -30 Double Unders Workout 2: 6 Minute AMRAP -50 Toes to Bar -Max Burpees to the pull up bar Workout 3: For Time -Run 1 Mile
I’m impressed this 16 year old comes every week at 5 am to train with his dad.. I’m even more impressed with this beautiful 5 rep at 200#. Great job my man! #greatcoaches #greatathletes #jacksonday
Monday April 16th Warm up - 3 rounds -10 Wall Balls -5 Wall Therapy Squats -Soldier March to the rig -Butt Kicks back to the wall 20 Minutes to: Establish 5RM Back Squat Then -10% for 5-5-5 10 Minute AMRAP -100' Walking Lunges -20 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Rachel Bennett shows up everyday and trains hard. But not CrossFit. Rachel is an Olympic Weightlifter. She’s our Tiny Beast and we love her. 💕 CONGRATULATIONS RACHEL! We’re so proud of you!!! “All the hard work paid off today. With a PR snatch at 61kg (134.2lbs) and a 72kg clean and jerk and a PR clean at 74kg (162.8lbs) to give me a meet PR total of 133kg to qualify for USAW senior nationals!!!!! Let the training begin 😈” - Rachel Bennett
Not for the elite or advanced competitor... It’s for everyone else! “Festivus for the rest of us!” It’s a chance for you to test your fitness, participate in friendly competition, and be treated like a high level athlete. Nothing beats competing to get you to perform at your best! Today is the LAST day to get signed up.😮 You CAN do this. Follow think and get signed up! https://festivusgames.com/register/21297/
Yep! Saturday April 14th is the last day to register! No fire breathers or advanced athletes. This is a competition for the major of the fitness community - The Novice & Intermediate Athletes. Follow the link below to register. Then, on Saturday April 21st come find out what you’re made of. You CAN do this. https://festivusgames.com/register/21297/