Moe's BarBar Shop
Burgers, Beers & Shears Dear Friends & Neighbors,
Growing up in downtown Howell throughout the 70’s and 80’s, my fondest memories are of the businesses that lined the streets of this quiet town. Some of my favorites being: The Old Howell House; Ambers Lounge; and of course my dad’s barber shop: Moe’s !!
Although not from Howell, my husband Lance, has heard many beloved stories about downtown life and “Moe the Barber.” Lance is opening a shop my father would LOVE! A business that marries all the best from some of the favorites: Burgers, Beers and Shears!
Please come visit us at Moe’s BarBar Shop where we’re going to keep it simple. A barber shop bar; a burger joint with cocktails and it what you will, just stop in and let’s make more memories!
See you soon!
Paige (Moen) Lumpiesz
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