The Peace Within Spa & Wellness Center
At The Peace Within Spa & Holistic Wellness Center we are dedicated to provide the best service to our clients! You life... Your time ૐ
ૐ Namaste ૐ We are a holistic wellness center dedicated to provide the best possible services to our clients. We offer a variety of service including, Reconnecive Healing, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Oncology, Medical, Sport & Pre-Natal massages. We are also Holistic Health Counselors. For more information please visit our web-site
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facebook.comWoodland Park, Wellness Health Fair! #cyacyl Namaste, Nancy
The Peace Within Spa remains closed due to partial power outage. Our phones, internet and most lights are not working. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause our clients. We’ll keep you updated. Thank you for your business and support. Namaste, Nancy
The Peace Within Spa & Wellness Center will be closed today, Thursday March 8th, due to power outages, downed trees and potentially hazardous condition as a result of the snow storm. We will reopen Friday March 9th. Have a wonderful day & stay safe. Namaste! Nancy
THE PEACE WITHIN CLOSED MEDITATION CLASS CANCELLED! Good evening! The weather forecast for tomorrow, is calling for a substantial amount of snow beginning this evening and throughout the day tomorrow. It is predicted that this area will get hit with 9 to 12+ inches. As a precaution and for everyone’s safety, The Peace Within Spa & Wellness Center will be close tomorrow. Our Meditation class is cancelled and will resume next Wednesday as usual. Stay warm and safe! Namaste, Nancy
Happy Valentine’s Day to all! Thank you for your loyalty and business! ૐ Namaste, Nancy
Not sure what to get your Love one on Valentine’s Day? Give them the gift of relaxation and at the same time her a child in need. Benji’s Fundraiser is going on now until the end of February. 🙏🙏🙏 Remember, it is in giving that we received! Namaste, Nancy
Call to make an appointment today for a manual lymphatic drainage.
Thanks again for all your support. Namaste, Nancy
Thanks to family, friends and clients for your donations. Thanks to all of you, we were able to donate again this year. We couldn't do it without you. Sending, love, light and positive energy to all of you. Love, Nancy & Mercedes