FEZtival of Treez, Kora Temple
The Annual Feztival of Trees is a Kora operating budget fundraiser. We are planning to have in excess of 60 display trees, a craft fair, a silent auction and of course the kitchen will be open. The general public is invited in to see our beautiful building and help us kick off the holiday season. Watch for the upcoming details as word has leaked from the North Pole that Santa will be present to have pictures with the kids.
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facebook.comWe hope to have Facebook live and a Snapchat Geo filter this year!
We would like to thank everyone that helped make the 2016 Feztival a great success! We do not post the name of the winners for the 50/50 due to privacy reasons but we can say the first place winner won $8038.80 and our 2nd place winner won $5359.2. There are too many winners in the raffle room to post but know that all winners have been contacted and have either picked up or made arrangements to pick up their prize. The winners or the trees are: AMERIPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES – Mary Spieldaner ANCIENT BROTHERS LODGE 178 – Christian Culp ANDROSCOGGIN BANK – Ryley Velozo ANDROSCOGGIN HOME CARE AND HOSPICE – Mandy Remillard THE APPRIASAL GROUP INC – Jack Williams BEACON HOSPICE INC – Nancy Bell BEDARD PHARMACY & MEDICAL SUPPLY – Brad Johnson BITTERSWEET LANDING BOATYARD – Kelsey Nevevy BJ'S WHOLESALE CLUB 310 – Marie Gagne BLUSH BEAUTY BOUTIQUE – Adrianne Krauss CENTRAL MAINE CONDITIONING CLINIC – Carrie Pike CENTRAL MAINE ORTHOPEDICS – Diane Bennett CHAMPOUX INSURANCE AGENCY – Linda Duchane CMMC / SPECIAL DELIVERY – Monique Belanger COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION – Chad Pelkey COTE CRANE – Jamie Meader CUT LOOSE HAIR DESIGNS – Izzy Martin DAG'S BAIT & TACKLE – Matthew Lachance DAY'S JEWELERS – Shaw Ridge DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE AROK TEMPLE #94 – Lynne Cooper DKG - KEY WOMEN EDUCATORS – Lisa Roy EASTERN STAR - GRAND CHAPTER OF MAINE – Athina Nikas ELEMENT DAY SPA – Danielle Murphy EVENING STAR LODGE #147 – Diane Morrison FIRE & IRON MOTORCYCLE CLUB – Fern Cry FRANK WEBB'S BATH CENTER – Debbie Night GEICO – Karen Morin HAMMOND TRACTOR CO – Barbi Jo Conde HILTON GARDEN INN AUBURN RIVER WATCH – Tasha Cooper INT ORDER OF RAINBOW FOR GIRLS-MAINE – Remi Delcort KIDSPEACE FOSTERCARE - Stacie Barbrowski KORA CRAZY COPS – Verna Coolidge KORA LOG ROLLERS – Cecile Martin KORA PROVOST – Kim Polloch LANDRY/FRENCH CONSTRUCTION CO – Jeff Giggey LEPAGE BAKERIES – Gail Thompson LISBON ROAD ANIMAL HOSPITAL – Karen Gurnet MAC'S GRILL - Tina Begin MAINE FAMILY FEDERAL CREDIT UNION – Sarah Stace MAINE GOURMET CHOCOLATES – Diane Gagne MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK – Beveryl Chipman MOODY'S COLLISION – Heidi Pelletier MT ZIRCON #142 ORDER EASTERN STAR – Celine Gauthier MURRAY-HEUTZ OIL & PROPANE – Sue Ritchi PAYCHEX – Kyrah Bellemar PAYROLL MANAGEMENT INC – Kelly Chase PETTENGILL ACADEMY – Chad Gilman PORTLAND FIREFIGHTERS CHILDREN'S BURN FOUNDATION – Tyler Plimpton RIVERSIDE EYE CENTER – Deza Ray Debarno ROLLY'S DINER – John Briuzow ROSE'S COMMERCIAL CLEANING – Nan Creamer STEVENS HARDWARE – Joseph Bwoman SOUTHPAW CONSTRUCTION – Lise Thibeault THE BEAR NECESSITIES – Nina Eschman TURNER PUBLISHING – Sally Cariganan TWO LAKES CAMPGROUND – Katie Sirois VISBARAS LAW & EXCALIBUR TITLE CO. OF MAINE – Sarah Rose WESTERN MAINE LABOR COUNCIL – Sue Little WD MATTHEWS MACHINERY CO – Jessica Macisso
Winner Winner!! Whoot whoot...OK, so it's not pretty, but I rather get them posted then have you all waiting to be typed up! Here you go!!
Picking the winners!!! It is ALMOST time to start the process. Each tree's tickets are thrown into a large bin, stirred and a winner is picked.There are usually around a dozen people seated with the lists of all the numbers and when each number is called it will be linked up to the name on the list. This process is done for all 60 tree, so it does take some time... to be sure the tickets are mixed well and linked to the correct name. WINNERS will be notified as soon as they get a chance-Hoping to have everyone contacted by noon tomorrow...Please be patient, cause IF YOU WON!!! We will find you...You do not have to be present - and/or if you miss the call you do NOT lose your tree...we will find you, promise!!
The FEZtival of Trees - Last day today! Hours are from 10 to 5. For those sitting by the phone all winners will be contacted either tonight or tomorrow...IF you are not home, or do not answer - no fear they will NOT give your tree away...Thanks again for supporting our historic building...And a shout out goes to these businesses for sponsoring this great event! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!
FEZtival of Trees opens today at 10 and is open till 8! A great day to check out the trees and do some Christmas shopping on "Black Friday!" - while there, enjoy lunch at the food court!
If you haven't been to the Feztival yet enjoy Roamin with Ron's Video. Thank you Ron Hood! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM2WkYkNSYo&feature=youtu.be