Kora Shriners
The members of Shriners Internationa are dedicated to fun and fellowship...but with a serious purpose. Shriners enjoy many opportunities to find personal fulfillment and satisfaction through supporting Shriners Hospitals for Children.
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facebook.comSince 1993 (24 years), the Union Fair has been a meeting place for Rockwell Amusements, the Midcoast Shrine Club, and many participants of area group homes of challenged adults who eagerly look forward to this annual event. The group homes are invited and the head count information is collected by the Midcoast Shrine Club and provided to the Union Fair. On the designated date, the midway is opened at 10:00 A.M. for this private special event. Our Shrine volunteers are busy greeting the participants, unloading the vans, escorting the participants on rides, helping them on and off rides, and sometimes even going on the rides with the delighted participants. We average 150 to 175 participants. At noon, Rockwell Amusements provides lunch and a gift for all special participants at the park. The Shrine members help pass lunch out and visit with the participants. Year after year many hugs are given by the participants to their favorite Shriner! The event wraps up by 1:30 P.M. For many of our special participants this annual event is the highlight and favorite trip of their year. As a Shrine volunteer, this is a heartfelt and incredible experience. If you would care to volunteer and join us for special event, meet at the Union Fair gate just off Route 17 in Union on Wednesday, August 23, 2017 at 9:30 A.M. and wear your fez. It is an amazing experience you will never forget! Jon Burns, Coordinator 207-592-8051.
Members of Team Kora, let's show Shrinedom why Kora has such a proud history, join me in promoting our Membership and stabilizing our future by inviting good men to join our Fraternity
One-Day Class - Scottish Rite & Shrine
Why we do what we do
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