Great Lenexa Barbeque Battle
The Great Lenexa Barbeque Battle is held the fourth weekend in June at Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park in Lenexa, Kansas. More than 180 teams compete for top honors Presented by SureWest
The Great Lenexa Barbeque Battle started in 1982 with 12 contestants and 12 judges. On April 27, 1984, Governor John Carlin declared the contest the official Kansas State Championship. Since then, the contest has grown to its current size of approximately 185 contestants and 240 judges.
The 2014 Great Lenexa Barbeque Battle will be held June 27 and 28 at Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park. The two-day event, which includes children's activities and live music, attracts cookers from all over the country who compete for the coveted title of Grand Champion of the Great Lenexa Barbeque Battle, Kansas State Championship. Prizes and ribbons are awarded for the top 10 contestants in seven categories and top three overall winners.
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