Port of Lake Charles
Website: http://www.portlc.com
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facebook.com#TBT Hurricane Audrey battered the coast in 1957 and families still talk about the destruction today. The buses in this photo were staged at City Docks before they took Audrey survivors to shelter. #LakeCharles
$13 million in capital expenditures ensured that the Port of Lake Charles remains competitive and modernized in a global market. #POLC #PortCity #LakeCharles
#TBT Back in 1956, the largest shipment ever to leave the #Port of Lake Charles was 12,860 tons of #LouisianaRice. #SWLA #VisitLakeCharles #POLC #history Caption: LARGEST CARGO. The St. Theomanna Odigitria, Greek-owned cargo vessel, with Pireaus, Greece, its port of registry, is loading the largest cargo ever to be shipped from the port of Lake Charles. Since Monday the big vessel has been loading a cargo of rice, 2,000 tons more than any cargo shipped from the port previously. The shipment, bound this week for Indonesia, has a dead weight of 12,860 tons, equal to 273 railroad cars of rice.
#TBT At the time in 1946, this Navy vessel was the largest to come through the area. Today, the Port of Lake Charles' modernized berths and facilities allow even larger vessels to dock. #POLC #PortCity #LakeCharles
This week the Ports Association of Louisiana held its 35th Annual Conference here, and it was hosted by the Port of Lake Charles, West Calcasieu Port, Port of Vinton and Cameron Parish Port. On Tuesday, Louisiana legend, Skip Bertman, spoke to conference attendees.
There's more to the Lake Charles Harbor & Terminal District than industry and maritime transportation. The #Port acts as landlord to gaming, entertainment facilities and non-maritime businesses as well. #PortCity #POLC #LakeCharles
#TBT Caption by Maude Reid: “A view of Old Ironsides at the pier in Lake Charles. March 18, 1932. As this historic old frigate came into sight rounding the bend of the river that pleasant, sunshiny afternoon of March 18th, those of us watching for her on the pier got the thrill of our lives, watching her sweep up towards us as gracefully and majestically as a queen.”
Around City Docks: Earlier this week, 12,500 metric tons of rice were shipped to the Dominican Republic. #POLC #PortCity #LakeCharles
In 2016, Channel-dependent companies generated $119 million in annual tax revenue, or 50% of the local taxes collected in Calcasieu Parish. By 2023, the industrial expansion will reflect an increase of 84.5% in local tax revenue, or $219 million annually. #POLC #PortCity #SWLA #LakeCharles
#TBT Just as in the 1920s, today we celebrate the #Port and its impact on our region and the state. This photo from the #McNeese archives shows workers on a partially constructed pier at City docks in 1920. #SWLAhistory
Much of the #SWLA economic boom comes from industries and businesses that rely on channel access. Without a properly dredged and maintained channel, ships can't carry full loads and ship traffic will increase for our area. #LakeCharles #POLC #PortCity
Join the #Port team! The Port of Lake Charles is currently accepting applicants for its open Police Officer position. To apply or find out more, visit https://goo.gl/ZVBwYw