The Ledge
The Ledge is a full service outdoor store, dedicated to providing top quality equipment, personal service and knowledge. We are stewards of our community. The Ledge Outdoor Store and Yeti's Lair Climbing Gym are local businesses, born from the labor and experiences of it's owner and the community that have helped shaped them.
The Ledge was established in 2003. The focus of The Ledge is to provide top quality outdoor equipment and clothing to rural Oregon and beyond.
The Yeti's Lair Climbing Gym was opened in 2007, after 2.5 years of construction by friends and volunteers. We can proudly say that we provide the least expensive and most relaxed climbing environment anywhere.
Living in such a spectacular, outdoor oriented community gives us the opportunity to experience all types of great activities, such as: hiking, mountaineering, fly-fishing, stand up paddling, kayaking, climbing, disc golf, etc. The Ledge focuses on providing the clothing, gear and knowledge for you to experience these local and distant adventures!
We are stewards of our community. We work closely with improving our quality of life locally. A substantial portion of our income is returned to our community and it's needs to ensure sustained livability and prosperity.
We want you to be a part of our family. We feel that we get one chance at this life and had better be the best people that we can be while providing for the needs of family and community.
Thank you for checking in on us! See you soon.
The Angeli Family.
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