Key West | Vacation
Fantasy Fest, Key West, FLORIDA Fantasy Fest, Vacation, Hotels, Photos, Express, Vacation Rentals and much more! The Paradise in Sunshine State, Florida, USA.
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facebook.comNo Phone Service in Key West, if your family is there, this is normal, don’t worry! MaryAnn: 2nd UPDATE: 11:18am call from Sandy Rodriguez - WE ARE SAFE! 1800 Atlantic Building is Intact, High School Shelter is Intact. They have been in touch with National Guard and are mobilizing units for support and aid as soon as it is safe to do so. Denise: I just heard from weather guy that the worst is over for key west not sure how true it is. Amber: Key West is ok so far! Going through the second half of the eye so let's hope and pray for no major surge. We need to wait until it goes north more until we know for sure. Unfortunately Big Pine and Cudjoe Key seem to have gotten the bigger surge of 10 ft. Don't look at that stupid video on CNN of all the water in Key West, it's down of Front & Duval which always floods regardless on hurricane or not. Stay tuned for next update and thanks for your prayers!"
#Hurricane #Irma @ #SouthernmostPoint Key West | Vacation
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I ❤️ #KeyWest - Smathers Beach #now
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#amazon #echo for #seniors 👍
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I ❤️ Key West
I ❤ Key West