The Jackson Zoo
With almost 400 animals representing nearly 200 species from all over the world, the Jackson Zoo promotes joy, wonder, & laughter with friends and family.
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Knox the #ReticulatedGiraffe gets some of his favorite greens frozen as part of #FrozenTreatAnimalEnrichmentWeekend. Enrichment is an important daily part of care for all the animals. Find out more during any of the Keeper Chats, but Knox’s happens at 3 pm. Enjoy a few hours with us on this #LaborDay. Get your tickets or membership online at, or you can use the 2 for $12/4 for $24 deal from Groupon!
In case you missed last night’s #SafariSunset, here is Eko the #SumatranTiger with a brand new type of enrichment. Not sure who enjoyed it more, our playful boy or his adoring audience... Adopt an animal and keep new forms of enrichment on the menu:
Today is the first of our three #FrozenTreatAnimalEnrichmentWeekend days! The JZKeepers have been working hard to make extra cool goodness for the animals, and they’ll tell you all about it at their daily Keeper Chats. It’s all included in regular admission and membership, which you can get online here: And this afternoon at 4pm we have our #SafariSunset with special enrichment for lemurs and tigers, Jason Stogner Band, SnapHappy FacePainting,, Splash Pad, AND $7 all you can sample craft brews with LD's BeerRun and JXN Barley's Angels. Don’t forget to bring some extra cash for the Dippin' Dots, Twisted Pretzel, and Brick Street Pops!
Photos from The Jackson Zoo's post
You think Eko the #SumatranTiger doesn’t see you, then you realize he’s just ignoring you. #Teenagers We don’t think he’ll be ignoring his special treat tomorrow evening with the #SafariSunset. His Keeper has created “imitation prey”: Meat-scented, animal-shaped rice paper. It’s our first time trying it, so it should be interesting! Check it out at 6 pm, get your tickets now at
Big Mike the #WhiteRhino uses the double protection of mud AND shade to keep cool in these 90 degree days. BONUS: the mud also acts as a bug spray! Catch our big guy in action everyday between 9am and 4pm. You can even get big savings with an annual membership at, or use the special 2 for $12 daily deal from Groupon!
A moment with BFFs Binti and Maebell the #Chimps. Learn interesting facts about our ape troop every morning at 11 am during the daily JZ Keeper Chat. And over the #LaborDayWeekend, keep an eye out for the animals getting special ice treats, too, as part of the #FrozenTreatAnimalEnrichmentWeekend! Tickets available now at!
Already thinking about the #LaborDayWeekend? Us too! We are ready to PLAY! We have the 3 day #FrozenTreatAnimalEnrichmentWeekend (included in regular admission and membership) AND the last of our new summer event series, #SafariSunsets Tigers & Lemurs on Saturday from 4-7 pm! Get your tickets or purchase your membership online today at so you have even less “labor” to worry about! 😉
The next time you’re in a car and approach 43 mph, remember that you have reached #Ostrich speed. They are the fast running bird, able to run long distances at over 30 mph, as well as their 43 sprint. (Most people run at about 15 mph. The fastest human on record is Usain Bolt, recorded at 27.8 mph.) Way to go, Tut! Visit him and his queen, Neffie, everyday between 9 am and 4 pm and learn more about these fabulous birds! (You can “adopt” him or her for only $50 for a year and see them with you 2 free passes! Http://
Human and animal alike are really enjoying these “pockets” of cooler air around the few pop up showers at the zoo. But the temps are supposed to be just right for our annual #FrozenTreatAnimalEnrichmentWeekend and the #JacksonZooSafariSunset over the #LaborDay holiday! Go ahead and get your tickets or membership for next weekend! Just click on EVENTS for the details and get your tickets NOW!
Photos from The Jackson Zoo's post
“Cead mile failte” to Fenian's Pub, joining the Jackson Zoo family as a Member Partner! Jackson Zoo Members who show their JZ key card or membership receipt at time of seating will receive 15% off their entire food order! Save money and time all while supporting the animals and local businesses like Fenian’s with a year long family zoo pass! Get your membership online today at!
A #Stilt in our MS Area getting spruced up for the weekend! Give the family a break from YOUR hustle and bustle and come watch ours instead! We’re open 9 am to 4 pm everyday, the Splash Pad is included with admission or membership, and a few extra dollars can get you a ride on the Livingston Train, the Endangered Species Carousel, or some treats from Dippin' Dots!
#DidYouKnow that giraffes have a natural “sunscreen” built right in to their tongues? Learn more about Knox the #ReticulatedGiraffe, and check out that tongue, everyday at 3 pm at his JZ Keeper Chat. Don’t forget about the 2 for $12 admission deal from Groupon. You can also get an affordable full year Companion pass for two people for only $40 at!