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St. Paul Lutheran Church and School, Jackson Missouri

223 W Adams St, Jackson, United States
Religious Organization



**Traditional Worship:
- Sat. @ 6:00pm, Sun. @ 7:45am & 9:15am
**Contemporary Worship:
- Sunday @ 10:45am
**St. Paul School serves grades Preschool-8. St. Paul Lutheran Church and School exists in a growing community of Jackson, Mo. Our congregation and school continues to grow as new people move in to our area. Our congregation of 2400+ souls, has a wide cross-section of people of all ages. We have lots of young families with children who are attracted to us because of our strong emphasis in Christian education. Our mission is to bring the message of forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation in Jesus Christ to all the world, beginning right here in Jackson, Mo.

St. Paul Lutheran School offers training in God's Word integrated with a quality education for children in grades Pre-K - 8.


St. Paul Lutheran Church and School | Courses

NEW MEMBER CLASS: On Saturday, May 20th, St. Paul is offering a new member class entitled “Belonging 101” from 8:30 am until 2:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Lunch is provided. Please register for the class online at If you have any questions, please contact the church office or Pastor Schmidt at

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The Sunday School Board is looking for volunteers to help shepherd our flock this summer for children age 3 through 6th grade! Summer Sunday School is from June 4-August 27. Please prayerfully consider serving the children of St. Paul in this way. Contact Leslie Walther at 576-4116 or if interested.

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Everyone is invited to a Retirement Reception to honor Mrs. Marilyn Hoffstetter, who has served 36 years in education, 16 of which were served at St. Paul Lutheran Church and School. The reception will be held on Saturday, May 13 from 1-3 pm in the Fellowship Hall with a presentation at 2 pm to celebrate Mrs. Hoffstetter's service, dedication, and love for Jesus!

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Summer Sonshine Club

Need Summer Care for your children? ENROLL NOW for Sonshine Club, a structured, Christ-centered, summer care program for children entering preschool-3rd grade in the 2017-18 school year. Sonshine Club is open to the community. Visit for more information and to print the enrollment form.

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Full-Time Custodian Position: St. Paul Lutheran Church and School in Jackson is looking for a full-time custodian for the school. Pay will be based on experience. Applications are available in the church office, 223 West Adams Street, Jackson, MO. Please SHARE this post.

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Please join us as 8th graders confirm their faith during The Rite of Confirmation this weekend at each service.

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Never know what to get Mom for Mother's Day? Concordia Guild has a suggestion... we will be selling hanging baskets the weekends of May 7 and 14. The baskets will be $15 each and make a perfect gift for Mother's Day.

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In May, the Sunday School Board is collecting cosmetic items for the OCC shoe boxes: wash cloths, bar soap, toothbrushes, dental floss, combs/brushes, and deodorant. Please note a change from last year: NO candy, liquids, or toothpaste! Empty shoeboxes are accepted year-round. There are collection bins in the church narthex and outside Ms. Sue’s office. Contact Leslie at 576-4116 or with questions or for more information.

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During your personal times with God this week and as you prepare your heart for worship this weekend, we invite and encourage you to study the planned readings for "Confirmation Sunday" on May 6 & 7, 2017. --Acts 2:42-47 --Psalm 23 --1 Peter 2:19-25 --John 10:1-10

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Jim Gill Concert - 4-24-2017

Thank you to everyone who attended the Jim Gill concert last week to celebrate "Week of the Young Child!" It was amazing to see approximately 350 children and adults PLAYING together! (The old-fashioned type of playing!) Check out the pictures in the album!

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Eat at Dairy Queen (Jackson Boulevard location) from 4pm-8pm TODAY to help St. Paul School earn money! Be sure to print and bring along the flyer! Link to Flyer:

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Saxony Band at Chapel - 4/26/2017

What a great chapel experience we had last week. Saxony Lutheran High School band students along with band director Tyson Wunderlich lead chapel with words of truth and encouragement in the resurrection of Jesus. Their song selections were performed wonderfully throughout the worship experience. Miss Fuchs brought t-shirts for all the 8th graders planning to attend Saxony as Freshman and was very warm and welcoming as she invited everyone to be a part of all the things going on at Saxony Lutheran High School. We also celebrated Virtuous character in the month of April and gave out the “Be Responsible And Value Everyone” (BRAVE) Awards to the following students: (see the picture in the album)
