Golden West College
67 AA degrees, 39 Career Programs, 85 State Championships, 6th out 113 CA community colleges. So, what can we do for you?
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facebook.comSpotlight on Automotive Technology: a closer look at the major at GWC. Our Automotive Technology program seeks to advance students with the understanding of automotive engines, engine analysis, diagnose, reparation, and maintenance. Two Certificate programs are available with the emphasis areas of study on the Chassis and Drivetrain and the Engine Performance and Emissions. The program allows completion of the certificates within a two-year time frame. This well-rounded program has courses such as: - Engine Repair - Electrical/Electronic Systems - Engine Performance - Automotive Chassis (Brakes, Steering & Suspension) - Basic Clean Air Car Course - Manual Drive Trains & Axles - Heating and Air Conditioning - Hybrid/Electric Vehicles - Automotive Diesel - Chassis and Drivetrain Specialist This is an excellent major for Automotive Technicians and Auto Repair and Service Supervisors/Managers. For more information about career paths and classes, visit:
In 2017 over 450 scholarships were awarded, resulting in over half a million dollars to Golden West students! For 2018, March 1 is the due date to apply. GWC Scholarships recognize students for their commitment to academic achievement as well as civic and educational involvement. For more information, visit our Scholarships website. Good luck to all!
Fall 2017 grades will be posted by Friday, January 12!
Spotlight on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE): a closer look at the major at GWC. The Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) program prepares students for transfer and careers in the field of Energy Efficiency Assessment Service. The goal of the program is to equip students with the mission of utilizing resources more efficiently, reducing cooling and energy consumption in buildings and processes. Two Certificate programs are now available with the emphasis areas of study on Solar Energy and Solar Energy Technology. This well-rounded program has courses such as: - Environment Studies - Environment Education and Interpretation - Recycling and Resource Management - Culture and Zero Waste - Solar Energy - Renewable Energy Sources and Applications - Ecotourism Destinations This is an excellent major for Energy Auditor, Environmental Engineer, and Solar Panel Installer. For more information of career paths and classes, visit:
Welcome back, Rustlers! Student Service offices are all back! Please contact the specific department for their hours. Parking permits are not necessary until February 12, 2018!
Spotlight on Theater: a closer look at the major at GWC. Our Theater Arts program prepares students for transfer and careers related to history and literature of theater and theatrical performance. A new addition to our program is the Scenic, Lighting and Projection Design Technician Certificate, which teaches stagecraft and arts in stage design, scenic painting, and lighting technology applications. This well-rounded program has courses such as: • Classical Play Performance • Theater Production and Stage Crew • Make-Up • Intro to Stage Costume • And of course, Acting 1 & 2! This is an excellent major for aspiring performers, teachers, and crew/technicians. For more information or career paths and classes, visit
Don't forget, the Golden West College Library is open until 9:45pm this week for all your studies and support needs.
Spotlight on Digital Media: a closer look at the major at GWC. Our Digital Arts program prepares students for transfer and careers in the field of digital arts and graphic design. It consists of applied exercises in advertising thinking, visual communication, graphic design, and preparation of art for reproduction. Five Certificate programs are available with the emphasis areas of study on Achievement, Biotechnology Media Design, Graphic Design Foundation, Graphic Design Advanced Production, and Graphic Design Website Design. This well-rounded program has courses such as: - Photoshop - Adobe Illustrator - Graphic Design - Webpage Design - 3D Computer Modeling - Digital Design for Human Anatomy This is an excellent major for Graphic Artists/Illustrators, Web Designers, Marketing Managers, Multimedia Artists/Animators, Commercial and Industrial Designers, and Public Relations Specialists. For more information or career paths and classes, visit:
Don't forget -- Zen Week begins tomorrow! Good luck on all your studies, Rustlers.
FREE REVIEW WORKSHOPS! Jumpstart is a successful program for students who would like to improve their math or English academic abilities and retake the related placement test to potentially increase their placement level. Begins January 2!
Workshop opportunity for students considering or need help navigating online courses through Canvas!
New Library Hours extended just in time for finals!