Alvirne High School Friends of Music
♫♪♫♪♫♪ A page for the fans of the Alvirne Bands. ♫♪♫♪♫♪ "Choose to. Want to. Love to." ~ Gerry Bastien Alvirne High School Friends of Music is proud to support the Alvirne High School Music Program. AHS Music has gained an enviable reputation as an outstanding award winning Concert Band, Marching Band, Jazz Band , and Choral Groups. The AHS Music Program is about more than a performance; it’s about students striving to be the best they can be. Our student’s gain confidence and self-esteem through their contributions in performing and becoming part of their community through their brilliant talents. The AHS Music Program serves hundreds of students, who routinely perform for their peers and community in the venue of concerts and competition. Students are given the opportunity to reach out to the community by performing for our local nursing homes, churches, other NH towns for parades and competitions. These young adults bring their talents as well as their professionalism, acting as ambassadors for the Town of Hudson as they travel around the globe.
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Alvirne High School Friends of Music
Alvirne High School Friends of Music
Alvirne High School Friends of Music
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Alvirne High School Friends of Music
Alvirne High School Friends of Music
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NEEDED: Decorations Lead/Coordinator for Pasta Palooza. This volunteer position entails taking the lead on getting decorations bought/made/collected prior to the event and directing volunteers during set up the morning of the event. If any of you enjoy this type of task and would like to take this on or have questions, please contact Ms. Karen Atherton at or603-493-2822. ALSO NEEDED: Italian Tomato Cans and Tall Glass Vases Karen is also searching for items to use for the attached centerpiece. If any of you have or could donate tall glass vases or full/empty tomato cans, this would be a huge help as well. Thanks! Esther Maturo FOM Volunteer Coordinator
Alvirne High School Friends of Music
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Alvirne High School Friends of Music
February 2016 Newsletter Web Page: January 21, 2016 ** Important Dates** February 4 – FOM Meeting 7-8 p.m. 11 – 8TH Grade Parent Night 6-9 p.m. 12 – Souhegan Jazz Night 18 – 8TH Grade Parent Night 6-9 p.m. (snow date) 16 – E-Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. March 3 – FOM Meeting 7-8 p.m. Everyone is invited! 12 – Clark Terry Festival 17 – Parent Conferences 18 – Teacher in service 19 – Pasta Palooza 5-8:00 p.m. 22 – E-Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 22- Cabaret Tickets on sale April 2 – Cabaret 19 Performance Sat. 2:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. 3 – Cabaret 19 Performance Sun 1:00 p.m . 7 – FOM Meeting 7-8 p.m. Everyone is invited! 7-9 – NHMEA All STATE 19 – E-Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 23-25 – Senior Instrumental and Choral Trip to NYC Congrats to Our All State and Chamber Festival Participants! NH All State Band: Morgan Atherton (Clarinet) Morgan Harris (Clarinet) Bradley Garcia (Bass Clarinet, High Score) Maggie Woolsey (Baritone Horn) NH All State Women’s Choir: Madison Hoglund (Soprano Voice) Danielle Nolan (Soprano Voice) Cassandra Shelley (Alto Voice) NH All State Orchestra: Sarah Yi (Violin) NH All State Choir: Jake Apitz (Bass Voice) Andrew Hotham (Tenor Voice) Jillian Houle (Alto Voice) Caitlyn Lindsay (Alto Voice) Andrew Hotham (Tenor Voice) Matthew Skinner (Bass Voice, High Score Brianna Thompson (Alto Voice, High Score) Kyle Whelan (Bass Voice) NHMEA/NHBDA Chamber Festival Participants On January 9, 2016 the New Hampshire Music Education Association in conjunction with the New Hampshire Band Directors Association held its 18th annual Chamber Festival. Participants from All State are chosen to practice in small ensemble settings during the day culminating in a concert that evening in the Timberlane Regional HS Performing Arts Center. The following students represented the Alvirne High School Music Department: Bradley Garcia – Jazz Combo Matthew Skinner – Male Vocal Ensemble Brianna Thompson – Female Vocal Ensemble Sarah Yi – String Ensemble Again, congratulations to our talented students and their commitment to the performance of live music! A New Bronco Joins the Band We would like to give a warm Bronco welcome to incoming freshman Tahira Haughton. Tahira has joined the concert band performance ensemble. She comes to us from Rhode Island by way of Jamaica. Again, welcome to the Alvirne High School musical family! Pasta Palooza Next Month Planning is well underway for our annual Pasta Palooza fundraising event on March 19. Details are still being finalized so be sure to check next month’s newsletter for the latest information or contact Karen Atherton ( Remember to sign up on CHARMS to help! 1. Go to the CHARMS Website. 2. Click on the calendar for March 19 and voila – YOU CAN SIGN UP TO HELP! Cabaret 2016 is Coming!- “Hollywood – Then and Now” Now that Mr. B has made it official that Mr. Chris Landry (alum parent) will be overseeing this year’s event, there is a lot of work to be done to prepare for the “big show.” The newly formed Cabaret committee will be meeting (almost weekly) to make plans for the 19th annual event with the theme of “Hollywood – Then and Now” featuring performances from Classic Hollywood to today’s Mega Stars. Make sure you check out the website, CHARMS NEWS and AHS- FOM Facebook page. Just a reminder that the Performance dates are: Saturday April 2nd at 2:00 p.m. Saturday April 2nd at 7:30 p.m. Sunday April 3rd at 1:00 p.m. Cabaret Ad handouts have been distributed as of January 19 so make sure to sell, sell, sell! Ad Book Sales: • One of the most profitable fund raisers for students • Students receive 60% of sales • FOM uses 40% of sales to pay for printing • Prices: Full page $120.00. Half Page $60.00. Business Card $30.00. One line personal $3.00 • All money and AD materials MUST be submitted by the end of the school day on March 4, 2016. NO EXCEPTIONS! • Parents can sell Ads and your student receives 60%. • Separate instructions plus additional sales items have been distributed to your student. ASK FOR IT! • Cover contest is open to all music students (only). The prize is $75.00 in cash. Rules have been provided to students. Ticket sales will be done on line this year, more information to follow on the website, CHARMS NEWS, and AHS-FOM Facebook page. Join the FOM “Family” and Volunteer! The success of our fundraising events depends upon volunteer support! By being a part of FOM you can help our music program succeed – and have some fun and camaraderie at the same time. Important events (fundraisers) coming up are Pasta Palooza (March 19) and Cabaret 19 “Hollywood – Then and Now” (April 2 & 3). A lot of people are needed to help out! Remember, it’s all about our kids. A wise man once said “The best thing you can spend on your children is TIME”. Give one hour a month and attend the Friends of Music meeting and find out more about how YOU can help the program. Our next Friends of Music meeting is February 4 @ 7:00 p.m. in the music room.
Alvirne High School Friends of Music
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