Realm of Design
"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not" Dr. Seuss, "The Lorax" Realm of Design, a family owned and operated company, was established in 1991 by founders Scott and Cindy McCombs in the heart of Las Vegas. For over 3 years, Scott worked to develop a product that could utilize glass bottles since there has been no real use here in Las Vegas. From his hard work came Green Stone, a product made of 100% recycled glass and 99.8% renewable materials. To prove how big of an impact this product could have, he build a 30,000 sq. ft facility in Henderson covered in the material. Utilizing over 500,000lbs of this material, 290,000 recycled glass, and 210,000 pozzolan cement. This saves over 132.5 55 gallon barrels of oil and 404,100 cu yds in the landfill. This product can be used in anything normal Portland cement makes including, trash/ recycling receptacles, park benches, wall caps, fireplace mantels, etc.
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