St. James Episcopal Church - Grosse Ile, Michigan
Our worship services are held on Sunday mornings at 8 am and 10 am ( The early service is a traditional service with limited hymns. The later service is the "main service", including programming for children and youth. WE ARE A JOYFUL Christian community on Grosse Ile where worship, faith and family go hand in hand.
In our WORSHIP we follow a two-part form, bringing together scripture and sacrament in every worship service. Our sermons are lively, focused, and timely, composed in light of the times and needs of our members. Our music is traditional and compelling, comprising beautiful words and melodies that are enjoyable to sing.
In our profession of FAITH we are solidly Christian. We believe Jesus was fully human and fully divine. We seek to explore and understand what that mystery means for us. We regard the whole Bible as meaningful, so our Bible Studies and sermons look to both the Old and New Testaments of scripture. Above all we seek to know God as he has revealed himself to us in Jesus Christ, seeking to love God with all our heart, soul and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves.
At Saint James’ our LIFE TOGETHER begins in Christ and is expressed in worship, but we enjoy fellowship opportunities of every kind. For three years running we have chartered a bus to attend a summer Tiger’s game. We have had square-dancing and movie parties, musical celebrations on the front lawn, mission trips, vacation bible school’s and more.
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Thank you to everyone who took part in our Spring Rummage Sale! And great group effort getting everything put away in time for an afternoon chapel funeral and reception!
Photos from St. James Episcopal Church, Grosse Ile, Michigan's post
Last day for our spring Rummage Sale! 9 am to noon. Half-off and/or a buck a bag! Get some great stuff and help 12 charities!
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"When Abraham Lincoln was 33 years old, he gave a speech inside a Presbyterian church to a temperance society. His message: The assembled ought to be nicer to drinkers and sellers of alcohol, rather than shunning them, or denouncing them as moral pestilences. Indeed, they ought to use 'kindly persuasion,' even if a man’s drunkenness had caused misery to his wife, or left his children hungry and naked with want. "For people are never less likely to change, to convert to new ways of thinking or acting, than when it means joining the ranks of their denouncers. "To expect otherwise, 'to have expected them not to meet denunciation with denunciation ... and anathema with anathema, was to expect a reversal of human nature,' Lincoln explained. 'If you would win a man to your cause, first convince him that you are his sincere friend. Therein is a drop of honey that catches his heart, which, say what he will, is the great highroad to his reason, and when once gained, you will find but little trouble in convincing his judgment of the justice of your cause.' "However, Lincoln cautioned, dictate to a man’s judgment, command his action, or mark him to be despised, 'and he will retreat within himself, close all the avenues to his head and his heart. And even though your cause be naked truth itself, transformed to the heaviest lance, harder than steel, and sharper than steel can be made, and though you throw it with more than Herculean force and precision, you shall be no more be able to pierce him, than to penetrate the hard shell of a tortoise with a rye straw.'" Source:
Photos from St. James Episcopal Church, Grosse Ile, Michigan's post
Cool rummage abounds! Drop off your tax-deductible rummage today and tomorrow. Remember the sale is Friday 9AM to 4PM and Saturday 9 to noon. Proceeds benefit more than 12 charities.
Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows becomes 11th bishop of Indianapolis, first black woman to lead Episcopal diocese
Two Episcopal firsts! The Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows was ordained and consecrated the eleventh bishop of Indianapolis on April 29, 2017. Bishop Baskerville-Burrows is the first black woman to lead a diocese in the history of the Episcopal Church and the first woman to succeed another woman as diocesan bishop.
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A MASSIVE RUMMAGE SALE is happening this Friday 9am-4pm & Saturday 9am-noon. 1000's of items. 15+ departments. Prices are pennies on the dollar. Kid's Stuff, Sports Equipment, Antiques, Lawn Furniture & much more! Donate anything through Thursday and receive a tax-receipt. *Share & Like & Come!*
RUMMAGE SALE WEEK! Rummage is now being accepted through Thursday at noon. Assistance in unloading will be available Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday 9am to 4pm and Thursday 9am to noon. Rummage sale workdays are Monday thru Thursday 9am to 4pm and sale days are Friday May 5th 9am to 4pm and Saturday May 6th 9am to Noon (outside opens at 8am both days).
Photos from St. James Episcopal Church, Grosse Ile, Michigan's post
Cool trees on the Saint James grounds!
Photos from St. James Episcopal Church, Grosse Ile, Michigan's post
Rummage Sale week! Drop off your rummage all week! Sale this Friday and Saturday. Benefits 12 charities!
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Check out this old photo of the chapel! Wonder what the date might be... any guesses?
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Photos from St. James Episcopal Church, Grosse Ile, Michigan's post
Happy Easter!