Mountain View Baptist Church of Greenville
"Changing the world one home; One heart at a time."
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facebook.comApril 1, 2018 empty grave it there to prove my Savior lives! See you at 10:45am for our Resurrection Celebration.
Youth Ministry Easter Egg Hunt
3,000 eggs filled with prizes waiting to be found! Join us for an exciting time tonight during the Glow-in-the-Dark hunt! TODAY 6:30 until the last egg is found! Good Friday!
Don't forget to support our youth tomorrow. And bring a few dollars to purchase a hot dog or two!
Join us for prayer each morning this week from 6-9AM!
Tell a neighbor or tell a friend to meet you at MVBC! Unlike our Annual Family Friends & Family Day, this event only encompasses the worship segment. Let's enjoy moments together and build lasting relationships and memories with the family of God!
We welcome the spiritual and intellectual insight of Dr. Colleen Kilgore.
March 25, 2018