Barking Shark Creative
We make really funny videos. Seriously. Video production is one of the most effective tools your business has to get customers, and to get those customers to buy whatever you're selling. People watch videos. They watch videos at home and at work, on TV and on their laptops, and they watch them on their phones and their tablets. If you want them to pay attention, use video.
100 years ago, marketing amounted to little more than hanging a shingle outside your door that told folks who passed by what you were offering. Today you need a lot more than a sign to get them to notice you, even though the whole world just might be passing by your door.
Get noticed in today's marketplace by grabbing prospects in a way that compels them to pay attention. In a world where everything is in motion, static words and images are not enough, even with a targeted message. Your story must be polished and powerful, and one of the most powerful tools available is video.
Barking Shark creates those powerful tools by producing professional, custom video content for TV commercials, corporate videos, web marketing videos, video testimonials, and dozens of other video solutions to fit your specific branding needs. Based in Greensboro, North Carolina, we are centrally located to serve Winston-Salem, High Point, Charlotte, Raleigh, and the Outer Banks. Much of the east coast is within a day's drive, but we provide video production services for clients all over the United States and internationally, as well.
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