Mount Zion Baptist Church
Our Beliefs
The Great Commission was given by Christ and is binding on every believer to “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone”. Mark 1 16:15 (NIV) -
Mount Zion is a place that teaches a better life for a better you, in Christ.
Mount Zion Baptist Church Story
In 1900, within the security of the New Light Baptist Church, then located at 1807 McConnell Road, Greensboro, NC, Mount Zion Baptist Church was organized by Rev. Neal Brown, 2 officers, and 10 lay members. The loyal and devoted group met in homes of different members until 1903, when a lot was purchased on McConnell Road for thirty-five dollars. With the help of two Trustees, Andrew Kirkpatrick and William Jeffries, the church was erected in 1905.
On April 2, 1936, a devastating tornado swept through the area and the church was destroyed beyond use. At the mercy of God and our fellow brothers and sisters of the Christian faith, worship services were held at Primitive Baptist Church, 507 Gillespie Street, Sister Mary Gay’s home and Jonesboro Church, which later became known as Browning Chapel (now Metropolitan United Methodist Church).
On October 25, 1937, a lot was purchased from Mrs. Maggie Alston at 216 Bingham Street. The church was completed in 1938, by all volunteer workers from the membership. This building served as the worship center of the community until 1959, when land was purchased at 1901 Spencer Street and the church was erected in 1965.
Due to the dynamic membership growth and inability to acquire adjoining properties for expansion and community needs, a lot measuring 22,000 square feet was purchased in November 1977, at 1301 Alamance Church Road. On November 1, 1981, Bishop George Brooks and the congregation marched from 1901 Spencer Street to 1301 Alamance Church Road to commensurate the opening of the new church.
Mount Zion has experienced rapid growth in membership since 1985, when it began conducting two Sunday worship services – 7:30 am & 11:00 am. In 1994, Sunday worship services were held at 7:30 am, 9:30 am, and 11:00 am. In 1996, a Saturday evening service was added and the Sunday 7:30 am and 9:30 am services were moved to the Carolina Theater. In November 1995, a groundbreaking service was held on the adjoining property to erect a new sanctuary, daycare, school, music suites, bookstore, and classrooms. In December 1998, Bishop George Brooks, First Lady Edna Brooks, and the Mount Zion church family marched to the new edifice for the dedication of this new facility. In December 1999, the dedication of the renovation of the “old sanctuary” was held. The old sanctuary is currently utilized as a multipurpose center and is now known as “The Chapel”.
In June 2011, Bishop George Brooks appointed Pastor Bryan J. Pierce Sr. to the role of Chief Administrative Officer of Mount Zion. Pastor Pierce was later installed as Senior Pastor of Mount Zion on March 21, 2013. Since 2013, Mount Zion has expanded their efforts to serve the Greensboro community through church-wide educational opportunities and community campaigns, which provide free gas, minor car services, groceries to families in need, and school supplies to over 3,500 families annually. With their footprint in the city, Mount Zion continues to reconcile the world to God through Jesus Christ. While serving both inside and outside of the four walls of the church, Mount Zion has experienced joyous elevation as they enthusiastically celebrated the re-affirmation of Pastor Bryan J. Pierce, Sr. to the Office of Bishop on August 18, 2017. Under God’s anointing of this 100+ year ministry, over 4,000 people call Mount Zion their church home!
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facebook.comHow do you handle the “Cave Seasons” in your life? Bishop Bryan J. Pierce, Sr. will give us biblical instructions to help us through the tough times! Meet us at 10am! #caveseasons
I refuse to conform to the cave! Bishop Bryan J. Pierce, Sr. #caveseasons
I came praise ready! Bishop Bryan J. Pierce, Sr. #caveseasons
Everybody wants to be around you when you are on the mountain but in the "cave season" God will change your crowd. Bishop Bryan J. Pierce, Sr. #caveseason
I don't care how saved you are, you will hit a cave season. Bishop Bryan J. Pierce, Sr. #caveseasons
Comparisons will lead to competing. Bishop Bryan J. Pierce, Sr. #caveseasons
I am going to declare in the beginning what I am coming out of. Bishop Bryan J. Pierce, Sr. #caveseasons #mtzbc
A cycle is a season that you get stuck in. Bishop Bryan J. Pierce, Sr. #caveseasons
Many of us turn seasons into cycles. Bishop Bryan J. Pierce,Sr. #caveseasons