Venture Community Church
Venture Community Church is a new Church and movement in Graham, TX. Venture Community Church, VCC, began in September of 2011. If you would like to join us, we are currently meeting at 701 Oak St. Graham, TX 76450 every Sunday at 11 AM.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact any of the following individuals. We look forward to hearing from you and meeting you very soon.
Curtis Ribble - Lead Pastor- - (940) 282-9648
David Reid - Community Pastor
Jessi Ribble - Avenue Student Ministry -
Kerrie Ribble - Administration & King-Fu-
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facebook.comVCC Sunday Shout Out! Meet Josh Taylor! Josh is an amazing husband, father and musician! He has been with VCC since 2012, the old days! (We have videos to prove it!) He has served as worship leader, on the worship team, in Avenue Student Ministry and really anywhere he is asked to serve. In fact, when he worked nights, he would work a 12-14 hour shift and still be at church to lead worship! The dude is dedicated! We can't wait to see how God continues to use Josh! Thanks for all you do Joshua Sean William Louis Taylor, the VCC United Kingdom Connection! You are really awesome! VCC wouldn't be the same if you weren't here! God uses all gifts, talents & abilities! What has God given you? How are you using it to Leave Your Mark on this world? #iamventure #vccshoutout #igettoserve #vcc #notyourtypicalchurch #everythinggreat2017 #vccyearfive
Rehearsal was rocking this Saturday! Ready for church at Venture this Sunday! See you tomorrow! #vcc #vccyearfive #everythinggreat2017 #growvcc
There's no place like HOME! VCC loves and supports Graham ISD! Praying for all of our students past, present & to come! Enjoy tonight! It's always a great time to be a Graham Steer! #vcc #notyourtypicalchurch #grahamamerica #vccyearfive #homecoming
Hey Venture! Be praying for this sweet little girl. KK spent some time at Cook Children's Hospital last week and has some follow up appointments this week. She was very sick and there are some serious concerns regarding the condition of her kidneys. Be praying BIG prayers for her and her family!
Excited to celebrate tomorrow! Join Us! #vcc #notyourtypicalchurch #vccyearfive #everythinggreat2017
Did you know that there are 3 ways to give at VCC? If you haven't tried text or online giving it is safe, secure and simple! VCC only exists by faith! Faithful people giving faithfully! So thankful for all those who support Venture in attendance, prayer and in giving! #vcc #everythinggreat2017 #notyourtypicalchurch
We are very excited to have Pastors Robert & Judy Kennedy with us at VCC this Sunday to celebrate 5 YEARS! Don't miss it! It's going to be great! #vccyearfive #notyourtypicalchurch #everythinggreat2017 #growvcc #vcc VCC / 701 Oak St Graham, TX / Sunday-11am
What?!?! Yes, we are celebrating 5 years this coming Sunday. God started something September 16, 2012 in Graham, America! He's not finished! #vccyearfive #notyourtypicalchurch #everythinggreat2017 #growvcc #vcc VCC / 701 Oak St Graham, TX / Sunday - 11am
Lift your voice today. Pray without ceasing for our country, those serving it and all blessed to live here.
Come to the altar the father's arms are open wide! Venture / 11am / 701 Oak St Graham, America #vcc #notyourtypicalchurch #everythinggreat2017