Germantown Presbyterian Church
Germantown Presbyterian Church is a place to worship, to learn and to grow. "I am the vine, you are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit, because apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS back at Warren Hall with a home-cooked, 3 dollar breakfast! Come join us in Breakfast for the Mind, Body, and Soul 6:30 am Don’t know what the study program is yet, but Jim and Jay will have something great!
Make sure you check out GPC's blog!
Great fun at #LaborofLove. Thanks to all who came out & thanks to St. George's Episcopal Church & Germantown United Methodist Church for being such great partners.
We love our JoyLIfe 901 partnership! Who is JoyLIfe901? We are a partnership of several Memphis ministries working in a collaborative effort to provide information, acitivites and support for our friends and families of special needs children and adults!