UTMB Health Pediatrics
Welcome to the Official UTMB Pediatrics “PAGE”. Here to serve Galveston County & Surrounding areas! We love our children! UTMB Health Pediatrics has a long history in pediatrics, and our Children's Hospital is the oldest pediatric hospital in Texas. We are proud to carry on this tradition of providing superior care for the children of Texas. At UTMB Health Pediatricsl, we don't view families as mere visitors, but as support and encouragement for our young patients. This patient and family-centered philosophy has brought the families that we treat closer to their health care providers. We are committed to growing as our community grows to provide the best care for the children of Texas.
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facebook.comHappy Friday! Just for fun, NPR.org. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/23/596431211/-nationalpuppyday-the-holiday-you-didnt-know-you-needed
John P. McGovern Academy of Oslerian Medicine award Dr. Keith Bly - March 20, 2018 Family, friends and colleagues were present to receive the John P. McGovern Posthumous Award in Oslerian Medicine for Dr. Keith Bly. Dr. Bly fostered students, residents, and others around him in so many ways: commitment to care for the sick, good will towards others, IMAGINATION & INNOVATION, interpersonal and creative pursuits, community involvement, and too many qualities to mention. Congratulations! We are honored that you are forever part of our Pediatric Family! https://www.utmb.edu/osler/Awards/PosthumousAward
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Welcome to Pediatrics! On behalf of the Office of Pediatric Medical Education we would like to introduce our 2018-2019 Pediatric Intern Class!
UTMB Pediatric residents attended the 6th Annual TPS Resident/Fellow & Medical Student Advocacy Day in Austin, TX. The Texas Pediatric Society, Texas Chapter of the AAP (TPS), and the Children’s Hospital Association of Texas (CHAT) welcomed 69 TPS fellows, residents and medical students from across the state for a unique advocacy experience on March 7 in Austin.
Annual conference on advances in Pediatrics for pediatricians, pediatric nurses and nurse practitioners. UTMB Dept. Ped. Faculty - $60 Non-UTMB Residents & Students - $299 Other UTMB Faculty/Staff - $299 Single Day - $199 Rates after 5/15/18 Physicians - $450 All Other Healthcare Prof - $375 UTMB Dept. Ped. Faculty - $60 Non-UTMB Residents & Students - $350 Other UTMB Faculty/Staff - $299 Single Day - $225 CME & CNE certification: The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston designates this live activity for a maximum of 13 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity. Ethics credit will be available. CNE Certification Statement University of Texas Medical Branch Nursing Education is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Texas Nurses Association - Approver, an accredited approver with distinction by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation
Anyone look familiar? It always brings us joy to see a patient come back and see us, healthy and all grown up.
Announcing the John P. McGovern Posthumous Award in Oslerian Medicine: Dr. Keith Bly
Celebrating International Women's Day! Women's and Children's Services, Administrative Office Staff posing with Ms. Hernandez, Assistant Administrator, Women's & Children's Services. #internationalwomensday