Holy Trinity Parish
Holy Trinity Parish serves the needs of Catholics and others seeking Christ in Fulton, NY. All are welcome! God bless!
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Fauré's Requiem
Photos from Holy Trinity Parish's post
Inside Holy Trinity Church, then called the Church of the Immaculate Conception, 1954
Timeline Photos
Inside Holy Trinity Church, then called the Church of the Immaculate Conception, 1908
Timeline Photos
Members of Holy Trinity Parish, please invite your friends and loved ones to Holy Mass, whatever their religious inclinations may be. Maybe there are some lapsed Catholics you know. Maybe you have Protestant friends or relatives. Maybe there are some unbelievers in your life. Whoever they are, remember that few things are more rewarding than sharing the Good News and the love of Christ with our brothers and sisters! Give them a call, send them a message, invite them to Mass! We all have a home in Holy Trinity, and our home is open to all! Your hand becomes Christ's Hand when you reach out!
Check out our website and especially the link for daily Scripture readings (located in the blog)! As Pope Francis said, "I would like so much for all Christians to be able to comprehend 'the surpassing worth of knowing Jesus Christ' through the diligent reading of the Word of God, for the sacred text is the nourishment of the soul and the pure and perennial source of the spiritual life of all of us." "All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work." (2 Tim 3:16-17) http://holytrinityfulton.weconnect.com/blog/view/Daily-Readings
Scott Hahn
ZENIT - News Agency
Timeline Photos
Holy Trinity Parishioners beginning to wander into Midnight Mass, ready to rejoice in the birth of our Savior!