Fulton CrossFit
Fulton CrossFit provides a positive and challenging environment that promotes health, fitness, wellbeing, and community.
Work Hard, Dream Big, Live Well
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Happy Sunday!
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Proud of our member Eric Baker for completing the Columbia Memorial Stair Climb this morning. He embarked on the 110 story journey to Honor the Fallen!!! Awesome Job Eric!!! #fultoncrossfit #functionalfitness #success #honorthefallen
Noon class finishing the week with a partner chipper wod!!!
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Looking for an early morning class to kick-start your day? Join our 5am class Monday, Wednesday, and Friday!!! #crossfitmornings #earlyriser #starteachdaywithawod
Ryan's Baby Momma WOD - Take 2 - The Guys
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Don't wish to be different. Don't spend time comparing yourself to others. You were born to be exactly who you are! #beconfident #bedifferent #focusonyou #fultoncrossfit #crossfit
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Everyone loves wall balls!!! #feeltheburn #wallballsfordays
Photos from Fulton CrossFit's post
Since Facebook deleted our live video here are a few pics from our Baby Momma's WOD for Ryan and Kasi!! Thank you to everyone that showed up!!! #crossfitbaby #crossfit #fultoncrossfitstrong
We love deadlifts! 5pm and 6pm class getting some AMAZING PR's tonight!
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You got this! #newday #yougotthis #alwayssmile
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Happy Wednesday!!! Today we are completing Helen! Want to see if you're improving, make sure you check your Helen time from January. #crossfitgirlwods #benchmarkwod