Fulton Parks and Recreation, Fulton, MO
Keeping the citizens of Fulton & Callaway County up to date on all the Fulton Parks & Recreation happenings, programs and special events.
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facebook.comTanglewood Public Golf Course
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Sign up for summer tennis camp that is co-sponsored by William Woods! The camp is open to kids ages 6-14. The cost for kids 6-10 is $40 and kids 11-14 is $45. For more information check out our camp flyer or call the Parks and Rec. office.
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Have you ever wanted to give yoga a try? If so, stop by Veteran's Park on a Sunday during the summer and and join in on the Free one hour classes!
Oestreich Municipal Pool Opens
The swimming Pool is open from noon to 7pm Monday through Friday and noon to 6pm Saturday, Sunday, and holidays. Addmission is $5 for adults, $4 for students, and $2 for a child 5 and under. Any child under the age of 10 must be accoumpanied and supervised at all times by a parent, auardian or responsible individual who is at least 15 years of age.
Don't Forget about our Sizzlin' Summer Special!!! The City Pool opens May 27th!!! All of our 2017 Youth Baseball, Fulton Fins, and Youth Swimming Lesson participants can purchase a family pool pass for the entire season for only $100 (a $75 savings)!! Stop by the Parks and Recreation office and get your pass today. Offer expires June 1st, 2017. **You must be currently registered in one of the three programs in order to receive the pass discount.**
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Tomorrow, May 10th is registration deadline for Fulton Fins swim team. Make sure to stop by the Parks and Rec. office to get your kids signed up! Fulton Fins is open to kids ages 5-15. For more information or questions call our office 592-3190.
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Fulton Water works opens tomorrow, 5/5/17 at 11am. Make sure to stop by and enjoy the summers most popular water attraction!
Tanglewood Public Golf Course
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Tomorrow, 5/3/17 is the last day to turn in registrations for Adult Softball Men's and CoEd leagues so stop by the Parks and Rec. to get signed up!
Sizzlin' Summer Special!!! The City Pool opens May 27th!!! All of our 2017 Youth Baseball, Fulton Fins, and Youth Swimming Lesson participants can purchase a family pool pass for the entire season for only $100 (a $75 savings)!! Stop by the Parks and Recreation office and get your pass today. Offer expires June 1st, 2017. **You must be currently registered in one of the three programs in order to receive the pass discount.**
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Stop by the P&R office to get your kids signed up for Swim Fins! The program is open to males/females ages 5-18. For more information check out the flyer or call our office.
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Stop by and get your COED and MEN's Softball teams signed up today! Registration Deadline is May 3rd!