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Our Lady of Good Hope Catholic Church

7215 Saint Joe Rd, Fort Wayne, United States
Catholic Church



We're a Catholic Parish in north-east Fort Wayne. Our pastor is Father Mark Gurtner.  We belong to the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend in Indiana, U.S.A. Some history:   It was Bishop Leo Pursley who established Our Lady of Good Hope Parish on March 2, 1969.   Albert and Mary Poinsatte donated the property for our parish church.  Rev. William Hodde was appointed the first pastor, but since the church had not been built yet, parishioners met for worship at Bishop Dwenger High School until the new church was dedicated on August 13, 1972.

·         The first Parish Sunday Mass was celebrated October 5, 1969 by Father Hodde was held at Bishop Dwenger. (Until the Church was built, daily Masses were held in the rectory apartment, which was above the garage, or in parishioners’ homes.)

·         The first child baptized for Our Lady of Good Hope Parish was on July 12, 1969 at St. Charles by Father Hodde.

The Name
How the parish was named “Our Lady of Good Hope”:

Albert and Mary Poinsatte donated the ground to the diocese for a new
parish, and their old farmhouse for a rectory. Bishop Pursley wanted to
name the parish ―St. Albert in honor of Al’s patron saint. But Albert was a
very humble and devout man; he didn’t want anyone to think the parish was
named after him! He and Mary both had a great vocation to the Blessed

Mother, so they suggested the parish be dedicated to her. There are many
parishes in the diocese dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, so they looked for a
new title, and decided on ―Our Lady of Good Hope. This is certainly very
fitting – a devotion to Mary, Jesus’ Mother, gives one the promise of her
intercession, and ―good hope for a happy death in the state of sanctifying

There is one other―"Our Lady of Good Hope"
parish in the U.S., though there may be others. That is:

Our Lady of Good Hope Parish
6 South 3rd St.
Miamisburg, OH

This parish was founded in 1852.

The Rectory

The farmhouse rectory was once the home of the Albert and Mary
Poinsatte family. It was built around 1860, the year Lincoln was elected
President. It was first owned by a family named Martin – reportedly related
to St. Therese Martin, The Little Flower, a Carmelite nun who died in 1897
at the age of 23 from tuberculosis. St. Therese wrote her little way to
sanctity, the way of spiritual childhood doing God’s will, as perfectly as she
could, even in very small ways.

The house served as a home for Father Hodde, and other priests as
the years went by. The parish office was there, too. Over the garage was a
small apartment. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fisher Sr. lived there for a time after
their home burned, this while the Poinsattes still lived there, before they
gave their home to the parish. Father Hodde used the apartment for a




Bishop Rhoades recalled one occasion during which Mother Teresa “gave me a holy card, with an image of Jesus scourged and bloody with hands tied. At the bottom were the words ‘I looked for someone to comfort me and there was no one.’ Mother Teresa had added the words ‘Be the one!’ I still keep that holy card in my breviary.”


Pope Francis recently announced that he would be making a rosary pilgrimage to “recite the rosary, praying especially for peace in Syria and throughout the world.” He then strongly encouraged all Catholics to join him spiritually and take the month of May to pray the rosary for world peace. Our Holy Father understands the power that just one rosary can have on our world. Do you? The message of “Power In My Hands” is of vital importance for the world today because so many don’t understand how praying the rosary benefits society. In our film, the beauty and timelessness of the Holy Rosary is presented through both personal stories of faith and theological teaching in a way that is captivating for audiences of all ages. Those who have already had the opportunity to attend a premiere of “Power In My Hands” have left inspired to grow in their devotion to our Blessed Mother through the Holy Rosary, and we’re confident you will too. This month, join us in honoring Pope Francis’ request to say a rosary for world peace. We assure you that your prayers will have a powerful impact on the world “Power In My Hands” Is Only Coming To 3 More Cities. Don’t Miss It!

May the Lord's holy presence fill your heart with joy, and may His grace sustain you! Continued Blessings on your 14th Ordination Anniversary! Thanks for your loving service to us at Our Lady of Good Hope! Peace always be with you! Father Daniel Whelan, you are a beautiful gift to us!

Cubs vs Reds Bus Trip St Therese KoC Council 9460 is sponsoring a bus trip to Cincinnati on Sat. Jun 23 for a 4:10 game. The $80 cost includes game ticket and travel via Excursions Trailways coach bus. For more info, contact Jim Conroy 638-4189 or Bruce Hall 747-6830

On June 2, 2018, Deacon Thomas Zehr will be ordained to the Holy Priesthood. ALL are welcome to the Open House Sunday at 11:30 a.m Please consider helping if you are not signed up yet! Online food/help-sign up: Sign-up sheet also in back of the church on the cry room ledge. Let us unite our prayers for him and pray the following prayer to St. Martha, to whom Thomas has special devotion. O blessed St. Martha, your faith led Jesus to proclaim, "I am the Resurrection and the Life"; and faith let you see beyond His humanity when you cried out, "Lord I believe that You are the Messiah, the Son of God." With firm hope you said, I know that God will give you whatever you ask of Him, and Jesus called your brother Lazarus back from the dead. With pure love for Jesus you welcomed Him into your home. Friend and servant of our Savior, I too am "troubled about many things." (Pause for the intentions of Deacon Thomas) Pray for me that I may grow in faith, hope, and love, and that Jesus, who sat at your table, will hear me and grant me a place at the banquet of eternal life.


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