Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve
The mission of Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve is to heighten awareness for the natural environment, maintain habitat diversity, and instill a sense of stewardship for all living things. Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve is approximately 127 acres: 42 acres is an Indiana State designated Nature Preserve and the remaining 85 acres is under a conservation easement governed by the Department of Natural Resources. The Preserve offers nine different trails totaling approximately 2.25 miles. Cheeney Creek meanders through the north end of the property and is viewed best from the Creek Ridge Trail. Other features include a bike rack for use when entering from the City’s Multi-Use Trail System’s Hague Road connection; a gravel parking area; a 28’ x 46’ shelter used for informal gatherings, educational presentations, and picnicking. (Scheduled education programs receive priority over general public use.) Restroom facilities are also located on the property. Many opportunities exist for passive exploration of the natural environment. There is no fee to visit the property during park hours. Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve is open from dawn until dusk.
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facebook.comWe are so excited about our second nature backpacks, so glad others are too!!
We see so many amazing photographs taken at Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve! The talent in this community is amazing. However, there are property rules that are sometimes ignored to achieve those results. Make sure you are protecting this resource while you are creating your art.
Your #HSENature1st team wants to thank Hamilton Southeastern Schools and Fishers Parks & Recreation for a great fall season. Our fall study trips come to a close on Monday and it’s been our pleasure to share our passion for nature with the first graders!
Yesterday at our #NationalTrailMixDay at Flat Fork Creek Park the recipe for Happy Camper Crunch at Ritchey Woods Nature Preserve was the favorite. Here is the recipe of you want to try it out!
Walked by this pile of litter near the shelter about an hour ago. There must have been 2000 pieces of confetti. I grabbed a carpet square (to sit on), a trash bag, a small handheld broom and a dust pan and set out to work. At first I was defeated. Why would someone think this was okay: littering in a nature preserve? Why would someone who wanted a party out in nature even think that this type of decoration was appropriate? Even if it was an accident and spilled: why didn't they pick it up? Why do people sell this trash? Then a fellow nature lover stopped and asked if they could help. We set to work and had a lovely conversation. My attitude quickly turned around and we made short work of that mess. Ended up that it turned into a little #ecotherapy this morning. Sitting in nature, enjoying the fresh smell of the woods after a rain, and a wonderful visit with a fellow nature lover. Do me a favor, won't you? The next time you are planning a party - think about your decisions. So many things we purchase for those few hours just end up in the trash. Try not to make purchases of one time use items like confetti, tablecloths, streamers, etc. Instead think of decoration that can be used again and that are ecofriendly. http://www.pbs.org/parents/birthday-parties/tips_post/green-birthday-party/
Hamilton County Health Department has found positive West Nile Virus samples in the following Fishers locations: Billericay Park, 116th & Hoosier Rd, and Cumberland Park. Hamilton County Health Department has reported positive West Nile Virus samples in eleven locations throughout the county this summer and will begin spraying affected areas within one mile of each of the positive sample sites. Maps of the spray areas included in this post. More information can be found at the Hamilton County Health Department’s Mosquito Control page: http://www.hamiltoncounty.in.gov/323/Mosquito-Control. https://www.facebook.com/fishersparksandrecreation/posts/1487803907965598
Nature Detectives are busy working the crime scene and are now in the lab analyzing some evidence. Who did it?