Adventures in Wellness
Independent Distributor
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facebook.comAre you watching? If not, I'm guessing you just don't like free stuff!
I will be going live everyday on my personal Facebook page to talk about the item I am giving away and any additional offers that I have for each day!
We are hosting an online class to help prep for Thanksgiving and we will be sharing some of our favorite recipes featuring our Young Living Vitality Essential Oils. Vitality essential oils have a white label to show that they are for internal use (which also means you can cook and bake with them!). We’ll be sharing some of our favorite recipes like Rosemary Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Turkey Injection Sauce, Ultimate Gravy and so many more! We are looking forward to "seeing" you starting this Thursday on The Oily Adventure Academy (NOTE: if you are not a member of this group, message me and I will add you)!
Did you know..the Adventures in Wellness team loves to meet and educate on the many healthy alternatives offered by Young Living? #didyouknow
To all who have served...the words "thank you!" could never be enough!
Did you know...Young Living is Seed to Seal? No other company in the world offers this revolutionary approach to business. #didyouknow
Did you know...Young Living offers a money back guarantee on all of their essential oils? #didyouknow
Young Living is so committed to getting our genuine essential oils and products into every home in the world that we offer starter kits at 50% off retail pricing! We have good, better and best starter kits that meet your budget needs. Lets talk about your options today!
Who's ready for the holidays? Check out these amazing gifts!!! Share this video for a entry in our raffle!! You won't want to miss this!
Did you know the average woman applies over 300 chemicals to her body daily, 80% before breakfast? People think that the skin is a barrier, when it is really a carrier. For years I chose not to wear makeup because I didn’t want the toxins that were in all of the makeups I had used. When Young Living announced the launch of their makeup line it was an instant hit with me and every other woman who had been looking for healthy and safe makeup options! Join me for a relaxed class where I post incrementally throughout the next 24 hours so you can read and comment at your convenience.
Not sure what essential oil's are about? Want to learn what those "crazy Oily people" are talking about? Now is the BEST time! We are giving crazy incentives to EVERYONE who attends. Invite a friend and get another prize. There is simply no reason to miss this paaaaartaaaaay! RSVP and attend, you won't be sorry! Hint: more free stuff!
Did you know...essential oils are the volatile, fat soluble liquid within a plant? The "essential" part of a plant's survival. #didyouknow