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Forest Park Church

300 Forest Park Rd, Elizabeth City, United States



Reach *imperfect people and teach them to follow Jesus one step at a time.  


Forest Park Church VBS Maker Fun Factory

VBS is one of our BIGGEST events of the year! We cannot wait to party with 300 kids and 100 volunteers for a week this summer!! Make plans to join us June 12-16th!!

Forest Park Church VBS Maker Fun Factory

Snapshots from Sunday (5/14/17

We had an unforgettable Mother's Day! Photo Credit - Sydney Paris Photography For more information, visit #ilovemychurch

Snapshots from Sunday (5/14/17

The countdown continues....Perry from Corinth Church wants to invite ALL Middle and High School students to UNDIVIDED - Sunday night at 5!! Games, songs, a message, and a giveaway!! Share this and invite your friends!!

The countdown continues....Perry from Corinth Church wants to invite ALL Middle and High School students to UNDIVIDED - Sunday night at 5!! Games, songs, a message, and a giveaway!! Share this and invite your friends!!

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Share with anyone you think would be interested. Email if you have questions, want to donate, or help with this event. #fpcoutreach

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6 DAYS until UNDIVIDED Worship Night! One of our #Next students wants to invite all students 6-12th grade to come! We cannot wait!! Share with all the students in your life!


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A FEW THOUGHTS FROM JESUS IS GREATER THAN (PART 4): 1) A lot of religion is mean to women. 2) A lot of men – especially religious men – blame women for their own weaknesses and insecurities. 3) René Girard, a fascinating and brilliant scholar, discovered the biggest obstacle to human peace is not our enemies but our inability to recognize our own scapegoats. 4) Scapegoating: a person or a group of people within society is blamed for what is wrong with the society. 5) The tricky thing about scapegoating is that if you are doing it, you are absolutely blind to it. 6) Scapegoating is basically about displacing evil. 7) Many men scapegoat women. 8) Adam blamed Eve and God for his sin, “The women you gave me. It’s her fault. And your fault for giving her to me.” 9) Jesus burst into 100 pieces the accepted female gender norms of his society and intentionally elevated and included women as FULL members of his group. 10) Jesus rejected the idea of patriarchy being God’s ideal for the world. 11) Patriarchy is a result of sin. 12) It is after “the fall” God says to Eve, “Your desire will be for your husband,” God tells the woman, “[but] he will rule over you.” (Genesis 3:16). 12) The arrival and victory of Jesus frees us not only from the power of sin but also from the results of sin. 13) Jesus FREES US FROM THE CURSE! 14) This is why Paul proclaims in Galatians 3:28, 28 There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. 15) Jesus elevated the role of women, especially the outcasts. 16) Example: The story of Mary Magdalene who had seven demons. 17) Example: The sinful woman who enters a dinner party and begins to wash the feet of Jesus (Luke 7:36-50). 18) Jesus included women as teachers and disciples. 19) Example: Jesus declares Mary wanting to sit at his feet and to engage in theological study good – actually better than the work of the kitchen (Luke 10:38-42). 20) Jesus breaks the curse of sin, elevates women, setting them free from bondage, slavery, and oppression.

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UNDIVIDED Worship Night

The countdown is ON!!! Shane Paris wants to invite all Middle and High School students to Forest Park Church on May 21st! Share this with everyone you know and let's pack the place out!!

UNDIVIDED Worship Night

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HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! We love you and we believe in YOU.

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Follow us on Instagram @forestparklive

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What do all of these local businesses have in common?? Join us Sunday morning to find out!! Ladies - you do NOT want to miss it!! Bring your mama, sister, friend, or daughter!! And don't be late!! Forest Park at 9 and 11am - May 15, 2017 Share with all of your friends!

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Women: You are beautiful, intelligent, powerful, gifted, amazing, talented, necessary, attractive, incredible, and wise. You are completely free to lead, teach, create, write, dream, believe, succeed, and be the person you were designed to be. The Gospel sets you free from any and all bondage to any and all people, institutions, governments and religions. If anyone holds you back it is only because they are afraid of your potential and refuse to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ! We're discussing this on Sunday Jesus Is Greater Than (Part 4) Forest Park Church 9am and 11am

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