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Journey Community Church of Fernley

396 US HWY 95 A(Behind the Quick Stop), Fernley, United States
Religious Organization



Expect to be accepted. Come as you are!  Find hope, love, and significance. Find purpose, community, and family. Experience God! Sundays at 9 & 11am


Please don't forget that with graduation happening this Friday, we cancelled Youth Group so preparations could be made. Congratulations, Class of 2017.

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Hey, guys. I just wanted to remind everyone that we are hosting the Safe and Sober Party for the graduating seniors at our church this Friday. We could really use some help cleaning on Saturday at 9am, if you are available. Just show up and we'll put you to work. Thanks so much. And please let Pastor Mark know if you can help.

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This week's Going Deeper. Sorry it's late.

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Men, Don't miss Fight Club this Saturday @ 730am. We are starting a fantastic series that will not only challenge you, but also inspire you to be the man God created you to be.

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Journey Community Church of Fernley's cover photo

Journey Community Church of Fernley's cover photo

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This week at Journey: Unlocking Freedom: Building a Culture of Restoration. How can we make church a place where people receive healing and acceptance without condemnation and judgment? How can we love others better? Services @ 9 and 11. Journey Church in Fernley.

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Photos from Journey Community Church of Fernley's post

It's another Fight Weekend! Guys, don't miss out on breakfast this Saturday @ 730am. We will be starting a new series that is going to be fantastic. And we will be discussing some great things that are coming up this summer for our Men's Ministries. Don't miss out on this month's Fight Club. Ladies, Fight Like A Woman is this Sunday @ 3pm. There will be another great discussion, time for getting to know one another, and lots of laughs. Childcare provided. Don't miss it! This week, the Fight is On!!!

Photos from Journey Community Church of Fernley's post

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The Neighborhood Party is still on. We ain't gonna let no wind scare us off. Grilling starts at 7pm. If the weather permits, we will start the movie around 8:15ish. But we are definitely eating hot dogs. :-) The party starts @ 7pm. Green Valley Park.

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Tomorrow night (Friday, May 12), we will be hosting a Neighborhood Party at Green Valley Park. Come on out and get some free hot dogs and watch a family friendly movie. The party starts at 7pm and the movie will start around 8:15ish. Gonna be lots of fun. Bring blankets and chairs and anything else you would like to bring.

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This week at Journey: Unlocking Freedom: Remember Your Helper. What does it mean to "walk in the Spirit"? How do I even do that? Services @ 9 and 11. Journey Church in Fernley.

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Come on out and join us this Thursday. Praying for our community and nation is an honor and privilege.

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Children's Ministry Fundraiser May 7th 3-5pm Only 20 spots left $35 Pre-Paid $40 Drop-In Contact if you would like to attend.

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