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Station 515

515 Woodward Hts, Ferndale, United States
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



raise the bar... |


Threads that weave. Ties that bind. A philosophy built on signals, on symbols, and on details. Fun, ferocity, and nuance. I will be a better student because of this weekend. A better teacher. “Onward” indeed.

Darkening doors...

Review to follow... #echobike #rogue #ferndale #crossfit #assaultbike #bikeERG #standbehindyourfuckingproduct

There is peace to be found in hard fucking work.

Proper design does not need to be buoyed by words. Not by face. Not by name. But by the quality of our actions. Focus matters.

A tool is simply a vehicle. It is a lever to manipulate stress. Your love or hate of it is inconsequential - except in relation to the seriousness in which you approach its mastery. —————————————— Thanks to @wolfbrigadegym for another tool for the box - but more so for the thoughtfulness surrounding how and why to wield it.

“Change is not to be found at the summit but is instead a result of the climb” Achievements are so often transitory. Moments made meaningful by context and chance. Process however is the language in which we write our stories. Process is the delicate machinery that sets the stage for any achievement - be it great or banal. Ultimately, It is our process that defines us. Take pride in it. And defend it.

we hear so often about "embracing the suck" but just because something is painful doesn't mean its useful. training is about evolution, about change. yes, there is usefulness in grit - in the willingness to not quit, but that alone is not enough. i am not happy with simply not quitting - i want more. success is about moving goalposts, about doing better than you did last time. it is about new ideas and refined practices - not about gimmicks and pandering. the tool is only as useful as its effectiveness. kettlebells do not make you strong - using them a certain way can build strength, but that is not the same thing. tools are just that - they are simple machines. levers that allow us to add stress more easily. or more quickly. or more specifically. if you have a goal outside the gym then you should have a clear understanding of how the time you spend training effects that. why this tool? why this way? work, rest, weight, heart rate... there are so many factors - this is a game of stress and response, of curating experiences over time in the hopes of shaping the physical and emotional abilities of ourselves or another human. let that sink in for a minute, understand the gravity of that. the sheer excitement and power that is at our fingertips if we are just willing to pay attention. so tell me a story. write it not only in blood and sweat and tears but in personal growth - in experimentation and thoughtfulness. have an idea for fucks sake, even if its just to have fun - at least its a goal. it is honest. and if your goal is to change, then understand how and why you are going to do it. use the tool, manage stress and pressure, and above all - practice. Practice: to be observant of the rules and the rituals, to actively pursue and engage, to apply an idea or method as opposed to simply the theory. understand that this work is not done in a vacuum, there are layers and patterns and repercussions for actions. training is, at its base, deliberate exposure to stress towards a specific end. so, once again... tell me why.

i appreciate good aesthetics. i feel that there is power in presenting an organized image. that my job is ultimately about curating an experience, an event, and it would be a disservice to those who trust me to leave anything up to chance. above all, my goal is to be useful. to be deliberate. branding is part of that process – we structure our image to draw people in, we showcase and summarize in an attempt to create a kind of shorthand, a talisman. we present our brand as a goal to the world at large and a touchstone to those in our care. as important as branding is, i feel that is very often misused, especially in our industry. we live in an era of hype. of the silicon valley start up and the reality TV star. instagram models and people famous simply for being famous. the first step in starting a business seems to be to start the marketing machine – corner clever usernames and a dot com address. people start trying to drum up business before they have even asked if they deserve success. in training we always talk about objective, about the “why” behind what we do – how many of us put that level of thought into our brand? what are we presenting? what are we telling people? it may seem like a small thing – but training is nothing if not a study in the impact of small things. what does your brand do for you? what is the real world translation likes and “brand awareness”? and more importantly, what is it costing you? not just in time but in habit… let me explain...

Heave. Pull. Breathe. Brace. Build a habit. Build a skill set. Calculate risk. Invest accordingly. #station515 #raisethebar

Making introductions...
