The Market
Kitchenware*Tableware*Bath & Body*Home*Kids*Clothing & Jewelry*Stationary The Market on Union Avenue in Fergus Falls, sells children's toys/games, kitchen gadgets, jewelry, accessories, purses, shoes, home decor, bath and body, holiday decor, gluten free items, ethnic foods, in addition to being home to Stumbeano's Coffee Co.
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facebook.comThe Market is OPEN till 7:00 tonight! 🎉
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Happening N O W!!💐🎉🌸 #market120 #marketfergusfalls #marketonunion #marketonunionavenue #giftidea #gifts #mothersdaygifts #mothersday #poppyseedmassage #giftcertificate
Celebrating Mothers Daughters Grandmothers Aunties Sisters!
TOMORROW!! Stop in and let us help you find the perfect Mother's Day gift! Fresh Homemade Lemonade and Delicious Treats being sampled! Sit and Relax with a chair massage from Molly! She will be here from 1-4 pm. She will also have gift certificates available for purchase! Little gift for every mother that comes in!
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F R E S H F L O W E R S are here just in time for MOTHERS DAY! 🌸🌺💐 •prices from $7.99-$16.99!• #mothersdaygifts #mothersday #giftidea #flowers #freshflowers #grabandgoflowers #market120 #marketfergusfalls
Poppy Seed Massage
M O L L Y from Poppyseed Massage will be at the Market THIS FRIDAY!! From 1-4 complimentary chair massages! She will have gift certificates available to purchase just in time for Mothers Day on Sunday!!
New LipSense Colors In!!💄💋 #market120 #marketfergusfalls #marketonunionavenue #lipsense #strawberryshortcakelipsense #plumprettylipsense
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Do you need a Mexican dish for your CINCO DE MAYO party tonight?? We have dip mixes, hot sauce, salsa, Mexican cookbooks! Everything you need! 🌶🌮💃🏼 Happy C I N C O de MAYO!🎉 #market120 #marketfergusfalls #marketonunionavenue #marketonunion #cincodemayo #cincodemayoparty #mexican
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100% All Natural•DEET Free•Non-Toxic Mosquito Repellent Incense Sticks & Lemon Eucalyptus Oil! E N J O Y L I F E O U T D O O R S☀️ #market120 #marketfergusfalls #marketonunionavenue #natural #deetfree #insectrepellent
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Grab n' Go Flowers available in the cooler!🌸🌺💐
Celebrating Mothers Daughters Grandmothers Aunties Sisters!
Stop in and find the perfect gift for the MOM in your life. We will have coffee, lemonade and treats while you shop! Coupons, Special Discounts, Door Prizes, Samples! Molly from PoppySeed Massage will be here giving chair massages from 1-4pm.
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H A P P Y M A Y!