Connect Church
We are a Farmington church that helps people connect to Jesus, to the church, and to their communities in a vibrant way. Connect Church meets in Farmington and connects people to Jesus, to the church, and to their communities.
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facebook.comSaturday small group begins tomorrow! 8:30 to 9:30 AM at the Rosemount McDonald's. We are looking at living out our faith in practical ways!
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Outdoor Worship Service is Memorial Day Weekend (May 28)! Worship at 10 AM with a grill-out lunch to follow @ Evergreen Knoll Park (next to the Farmington Pool).
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Do nice guys/gals finish last? Find out Sunday as we continue our search for happiness!
We mourn all the evil and sin we see in this world, but are comforted because God will one day set things right. #beatitudes #thesearchforhappiness
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May is peanut butter month! Bring peanut butter for the Food Shelf during the month of May!
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"Blessed are those who mourn" or "happy are the sad." It is possible to discover happiness from mourning. Find out what this is all about on Sunday!
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Blessed are those who realize their need for Jesus! Happiness, joy, and contentment are found here.
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"Blessed are the poor in spirit." How does this relate to happiness? Find out tomorrow!
Just a reminder that Park and Pond Cleanup is tomorrow! 9 AM at the corner of Elm St. and 14th St. (basically same place as the last few years). See you there!
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Saturday is Park and Pond Cleanup! It runs from 9 to 11 AM. We will meet at the beginning of the walking trails at the corner of Elm St. and 14th St. at 9 AM (it's the same place as the last few years). Mark your calendars, come have fun, and give back to the community!
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If you want happiness, allow God to shape and to develop your character. #searchforhappiness #beatitudes
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Happiness is elusive. Do you have it? Tomorrow we look at the way of happiness. Join us at 10AM at the Rambling River Center!