Signature Bar & Grill
Signature Bar and Grill
201 Central Ave N.
Faribault, MN 55021
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It's almost that time of year again... Sunday, August 27th, 2017 is the 10th Annual "Just For The Hope Of It" Signature Bar & Grill Bike Run! This will also be our final year of the run, so you don't want to miss it! As always there will be tons of GREAT food (breakfast, lunch AND dinner), a FUN and memorable ride, cool t-shirts (of course!) and it all ends with a hog roast, music, and lots of prizes! Sign up the day of the run, 8/27/17, registration starts at 9am at Signature Bar & Grill.
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Congrats to Barry Hendrickson - recipient of Signature's Favorite Car Cruise vehicle! If you haven't been down to Car Cruse Nights on Central Avenue, in downtown Faribault, you're missing out! It's the 3rd Friday of each month all summer long and is a great place to check out cool cars, grab some tasty food from local food stands, and visit our downtown businesses!
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Garage Sale Friday & Saturday! Proceeds benefit Hope Center!
Bar Bingo!
Bar Bingo every Wednesday at The Signature Bar & Grill! Jackpots start at $500 in 55#s or less and increase each week not won by $100 to a max of $1199. *Must be 18+ to play.*
Bar Bingo!
Bar Bingo every Wednesday at The Signature Bar & Grill! Jackpots start at $500 in 55#s or less and increase each week not won by $100 to a max of $1199. *Must be 18+ to play.*
Jivin' Ivan and the Kings of Swing
Never a cover! Live music with Jivin' Ivan and the Kings of Swing starting at 7:30pm!
Live Music - Andy Tackett
Never a Cover! Live music with Andy Tackett, a Signature favorite! Andy plays a GREAT mix with songs from many artists including; Little River Band, Johnny Cash, England Dan and John Ford Coley, Glen Campbell and Jimmy Buffett and many others. You won't be disappointed!
Live Music - Luke Smith
Live music with Luke Smith starting at 9pm!
Bar Bingo!
Bar Bingo every Wednesday at The Signature Bar & Grill! Jackpots start at $500 in 55#s or less and increase each week not won by $100 to a max of $1199. *Must be 18+ to play.*
Bar Bingo!
Bar Bingo every Wednesday at The Signature Bar & Grill! Jackpots start at $500 in 55#s or less and increase each week not won by $100 to a max of $1199. *Must be 18+ to play.*
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In observance of Memorial Day, we will be closed on Monday, May 29th. In memory of many, in honor of all. Thank You.
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It's Happy Hour! $1 off all drinks and $5 apps till 6pm!! All You Can Eat Fish Fry w/salad and choice of potato $11.99. Live Music with Andy Tackett starting at 9pm. Stop in and start your long weekend off right!