Miles College
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Miles College- a senior, liberal arts, church related college with roots in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church and in the tradition of the Historically Black College. Miles College, founded in 1898, is a premier liberal arts institution located in metropolitan Birmingham within the corporate limits of the City of Fairfield. The noble founders of the institution saw educated leadership as the paramount need in the black community. Miles, which is fully accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and accredited by Commission on Colleges for the awarding of Baccalaureate Degrees, is the only four-year institution in historic Birmingham, Alabama designated as a member of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). Miles College is a science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) higher learning institution. The College is one of only 39 HBCUs to have the designation of a United Negro College Fund (UNCF) institution.
Miles College has as its brand civic engagement and activism. As a matter of fact, during the planning stages of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), when members were deciding what test city to implement the Civil Rights Movement, it was proposed to go to Birmingham, Alabama because the students at Miles College were already engaging in civic protests and boycotts against segregated public facilities. In essence, the Civil Rights Movement, in-part came to Birmingham Alabama, because of the activism of students at Miles College, helping to make Birmingham, Alabama the Civil Rights Capital of the world.
The College offers baccalaureate programs with majors such as Accounting, Biology, Business Administration, Chemistry, Communications, Computer and Information Sciences, History, Language Arts, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood/Elementary Education, English, Mathematics, Political Science and Social Work. In sum, Miles offers 28 Bachelor Degree programs in six academic divisions to an enrollment of approximately 1,700 students.
We attribute the success of our students to diligence and academic seriousness as well as to the faculty members who immerse themselves into the holistic education of students. Faculty members not only teach students inside of the classroom; but, are part of their external classroom lives as well. Miles College has 135 faculty members who are visibly committed to higher learning and professional development. Faculty members are diverse and bring professional and personal experiences from over twenty countries. At least 30% of the faculty members are from Asia and African countries.
Under the leadership of President George T. French, Jr., Miles College is strong financially, and in 2006 purchased a new 41-acres campus adjacent to the existing campus. Previously “landlocked,” this acquisition enabled Miles to double the land size of the College. Miles College is centrally and ideally located. The City of Birmingham lies at the cross points of I-20, I-65, I-59, I-22 (Old U.S. Highway 78), linking the cities of Atlanta, Georgia; Jackson, Mississippi; Memphis, Tennessee; New Orleans, Louisiana, Huntsville, Alabama; and Montgomery, Alabama, all of which have major HBCU institutions and a large number of majority colleges and universities. Furthermore, the majority of HBCUs are located in the South; and the state of Alabama, which has 15 HBCUs, leads all other states in terms of the number of HBCUs within its boundaries.
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Check out the #MilesCollege Baseball Team playing Tampa Live Streamed now:
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#MilesCollege to host 2nd Annual #JameisWinston Camp, Saturday, July 1st on our Beautiful Campus! Registration begins June 1st.
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#MilesCollege Online Education Summer Term has begun! Registration continues until May 19th for the Summer Term. Apply now to get started.
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Are you a Policeman, Firefighter, Military Vet, or Work a lot? Now you can Go to College ONLINE at #MilesCollege! Apply for Summer Term Now!
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Are you a High Student looking for a Jump Start on College? Apply for #MilesCollege Jump Start now until June 9th.
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Good luck to our Golf Team as they play in the Minority Golf Tournament in Port St. Lucie this weekend.
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Congrats to the #MilesCollege Baseball Team on becoming The SIAC Baseball Champions 2017!
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Congrats to Matthew Robert for winning The SIAC Baseball Coach of the Year!
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Congrats to Erin Campbell on being the First Student to Vote for Student Leadership at 8am.
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#MilesCollege Student Leadership Election Polls open at 8am. Who will be the First to Vote?
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#MilesCollege Student Leadership Elections begin tomorrow at 8am until 7pm on the 2nd floor of the President French Student Activity Center.
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#MilesCollege Announces Veteran Democratic Political Strategist #DonnaBrazile as Commencement Speaker on May 6th 11am, Boutwell Auditorium.