BSA Troop 187 Fairfax, Virginia - The Flying Tigers
Troop 187 is one of 5 Boy Scout Troops in Fairfax City and one of 16 troops in the George Mason District, which also encompasses Vienna and Falls Church. The oldest Troop in Fairfax, Troop 187 dates back to the 1920's. Troop 187 maintains 50 to 60 Scouts and numerous registered adult leaders, and has one of the highest percentages of Eagle Scouts of any Troop in the National Capital Area Council. During the year 2010, when the Boy Scouts of America celebrates its 100-year anniversary, Troop 187 expects to celebrate its 100th Eagle Scout.
Troop 187 is sponsored by Fairfax United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Men, which provides financial support, a meeting place, and storage space.
Our Scouts participate in numerous service projects throughout the year, such as the annual Scouting for Food program that helps fill the food closet at FUMC, which in turn benefits low-income area families.
The goals of Troop 187 follow those of the Boy Scouts of America. Our mission is to prepare young people to assume citizenship responsibilities and make ethical choices over their lifetimes, and to enhance the development of their physical, mental, and emotional fitness.
Troop 187:
• Meets every Monday evening from 7:30 to 9:00 throughout the entire year (unless Fairfax County Public Schools or Fairfax United Methodist Church are closed).
• Is a Scout-led troop; programs are planned and executed by the Scouts themselves, with the support and supervision of trained adult leaders.
• Recognizes the achievements of the Scouts at quarterly Courts of Honor.
• Schedules its Troop Committee meetings for the first Monday of the month during the Troop meeting, to make it easier for parents to attend.
• Provides parents with a parent handbook and an annual calendar of events. These and other publications are also available here on the Troop website,
• Is funded by annual dues and a minimum of fundraisers, such as a annual peanut sales, popcorn sales, and seasonal wreath sales.
A Typical Troop Meeting:
• Scouts gather during a Pre-Opening activity and get ready for the meeting.
• The Senior Patrol Leader leads an Opening Ceremony that typically includes a Flag Ceremony, the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.
• Scouts in leadership positions, at times assisted by adult leaders, present Skills Instruction, planned by the Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) to meet the advancement needs and/or interests of new Scouts, experienced Scouts, and older Scouts.
• The Patrols meet to plan activities, prepare for upcoming camping trips, receive information from the Patrol Leader regarding topics discussed at the last PLC meeting, and give the Patrol Leader input to report at the next PLC meeting.
• An Interpatrol Activity, most often a game, enables Scouts to practice skills and to engage in healthy competition with the other Patrols.
• Scouts and adults gather in a circle for the Closing Ceremony and Scoutmaster’s Minute.