Faith Presbyterian Church
Living and sharing the miracle of God's grace. - Worship: 10:00 AM
- Sunday School follows Worship
- Nursery care provided
- Handicapped accessible
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d365 Daily Devotionals - devotionals 365 days a year
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d365 Daily Devotionals - devotionals 365 days a year
Truth Theory
There's a good reason Scripture has so many calls to give thanks.
Pentecost Offering Minute for Mission: Children at Risk
We will collect the Pentecost Offering on June 4. Learn more about it in the video.
d365 Daily Devotionals - devotionals 365 days a year
Gunmen kill 26 in attack on Christians in Egypt
Pray for our brothers and sisters in faith.
d365 Daily Devotionals - devotionals 365 days a year
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When the disciples picked a replacement for Judas, they didn't elect a PNC. They ended up casting lots. Basing your future on a throw of the dice is not the way it's done in our view. Sunday, we'll look at God's view.
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Join us on Sunday for worship. Pastor Bill's sermon this Sunday, is entitled "Not the Way It's Usually Done". During worship, we will participate in a Memorial Day litany of remembrance for those who have served with courage and honor, and have given the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. Following worship, the church will be abuzz with Yard Sale set-up and preparation. Youth Groups will be helping. Other volunteers are welcome!
d365 Daily Devotionals - devotionals 365 days a year