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Elgin Active Citizens

, Elgin, United States
Non-profit organization



The Elgin Jaycees is a Leadership development group that empowers young people to develop positive change in their community.  Leadership development through community involvement has been the basis of the Jaycees since its inception in 1920. The goal of the not-for-profit organization is to provide members a means to reach their full potential through networking and personal growth opportunities and is ideal for proactive young people, ages 18 to 40. Members enhance a variety of skills as they work together to plan and run civic and individual development activities in their home communities and chapters, such as:

  *  Developing a business plan for maximum success and impact for each event.
  *  Learning to successfully manage volunteers.
  *  Communicating effectively, through the writen word, and public speaking.
  *  Discovering the needs of the community and managing resources to meet them.
  *  Organizing efforts to make the most of dollars raised and hours volunteered. All members have unique talents to offer. We provide them an outlet to share those talents in programs and projects that benefit

Your involvement with the Jaycees will provide you opportunities to meet people, impact your community, and apply skills to enhance your career.

