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Risen Hope Church

600 Burmont Road, Drexel Hill, United States
Christian Church



Facebook page of Risen Hope Church, a campus of Covenant Fellowship Church located in Drexel Hill, PA. Facebook page of Risen Hope Church, a campus of Covenant Fellowship Church located in Drexel Hill, PA.


The Shorey home will be open from 10:00-11:30AM tomorrow for a time of prayer regarding today's tragic events. Please feel free to come. If you don't know our address feel free to private message me.

Here is my prayer for all my flock this sad and heart-wrenching Saturday evening as we see reports of organized evil; the spewing of hatred from evil hearts against dear brothers and sisters and neighbors for whom Jesus died. Dear Lord and God above, We cry out to you precious Father, for on this day we have been reminded again of how filled with hatred the human heart can be, and of how long and long and long and long human suffering can last. Please be with our brothers and sisters who on this day have once again witnessed unashamed and unblushing hatred, in a nation that refuses to let it go, and insists on deepening and strengthening its grip. Please be with our flock o Lord; those precious ones for whom your dear Son died, but who on this day feel unsafe, unprotected, unaccepted; still very much assailed and despised. Please give peace in the midst of the storm, grace in the shadow of bigotry, endurance under the burden of oppression, courage in the face of attack, and Christ-like love in the presence of evil. And be with our small flock o Lord to give us sympathy in the soul, empathy in the heart, unity in the cross, and deep, deep solidarity in the struggle. Please help us to draw near to one another. Please help us to come to one another's side and stand together as one against the evil. Please help us to lay aside any and all our assumptions and opinions and see that right now our love and our care must be strong, and long, and deep; with neither wavering nor silence. Please help us dear Father for who is sufficient for these things? Who can bear them? Who can endure them? Who can overcome them? Only you. We groan and wait and wait and groan. Come Lord Jesus. Your children need you now. In Your strong and mighty Name, Amen

4:00PM worship today! Message Text: Psalm 90 Message Summary: "As life quickly passes us by, let us choose carefully the place we live, the God we trust, the forgiveness we need, the future we envision, and the prayers we offer." Will your present choices measure up?

A summary and video of a pro-life talk delivered at Google HQ. It’s encouraging that Google would do this. We also appreciate the role of the Catholic Church in fighting for justice. Worth the read or watch!

Today's message text: Psalm 139. Today's message title: "Knowing the God Who Knows Us" Today's messenger: Rick Butler 4:00PM

Bring a friend or neighbor this Sunday! Serving free water ice and ice cream from Chillings and Chocolate after our 4 PM service. We'll be hearing from Psalm 23 (The Lord is My Shepherd).

Our friends at Amnion Pregnancy Center want to hire a speaker for RealEd (Relationship Education). The RealEd teams visit public and private schools to teach that a person’s value and confidence should not come from their sexual resume, but rather, who they are as a person. Qualifications include good communication skills, daytime availability, and a heart for youth. Call Amnion if interested: 610.622.9957

Race and GRACE: Doing Life Together Next conversation: June 25, 6:00-8:00PM Location: 600 Burmont Rd. Drexel Hill, PA Free pizza: 6:00-6:30PM Discussion and Dialogue: 6:30-8:00PM Join us in learning how to do life together!

The life of David Brainerd, missionary to Native Americans, was featured in this past Sunday's sermon. His white-hot passion for the glory of God will affect you! John Piper wrote a brief 34-page biography that can be downloaded for free:

One of our members (Sarah Hurd) will be traveling to Peru for two weeks with Never The Same Missions. She’ll be working in a clinic with other medical staff. The clinic is asking for these items: children's vitamins (no iron), over-the-counter pain medications (generic is ok), medical gloves, wet wipes, and hand sanitizer. Please consider donating items by contacting Sarah or the church office (267-930-4673,

One more pre-move photo for the books! After our 4:00 pm service at the new location (600 Burmont Rd.), we're having a family tailgate. Hang around for hoagies and fellowship!!
